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Bazza-Carter edited this page Jul 14, 2022 · 12 revisions

Duplicacy is written in Go. If you have Go installed you can run the following command to build from the latest source:

GO111MODULE=off go get -u 

The executable named duplicacy will then be created under $GOPATH/bin.

You can also build the executable manually after running the go get command.

cd $GOPATH/src/
go build duplicacy/duplicacy_main.go

The executable will be created under $GOPATH/src/ with the name duplicacy_main.

To download the pre-built executable, please visit the releases page and select the binary that works for your platform.

Longer explanation of how to build from source
  1. help:
  2. download and install go and git and make them available in PATH
  3. set $GOPATH to whichever directory you want to use as workspace (if you don't do this, go uses as default location your_homefolder/go )
  4. in cmd run go get
    • 3.5 wait until the command finishes (it has to download A LOT) of sources needed for building duplicacy (all the libraries which duplicacy depends on -- for each supported storage and so on)
  5. after the download is finished, cd to the folder $GOPATH/src/ (see the similarity with the above github path? -> this is how go manages libraries and dependencies). There are all the sources for duplicacy.
    • 4.5 if you want to build a different branch from master, now it's the time! you have to pull the remote branch which has the changes you need into local master -- I recommend using a good GUI: Sourcetree but you can do it from cmd as well. (you monster).
    • 4.6 If you want to modify something in the sources, you should do it at this step (eg.: modify the number of retries for some storage)
  6. now that you have the sources, you have to actually compile duplicacy: again in cmd go install
  7. compiling should take no more than 10 seconds. You will find the executable file in the folder $GOPATH/bin/duplicacy.exe

Build on macOS

To build from source on macOS, Xcode must be installed because one of the dependency libraries, requires cgo for security reasons (see #136 for details). If you don't want to install Xcode, you can switch to (the original library that was forked from) by modifying this line in src/duplicacy_keyring.go:




Build from a fork

If you fork the repository and clone the fork locally as, please remember that duplicacy/duplicacy_main.go still imports from, so any changes you make under will have no effect when building the executable.

Option 1

Therefore, the recommended way is to clone your fork into the original namespace:

git clone $GOPATH/src/
Option 2

There is one other option when working with a fork which is explained fully here. The short version is:

  1. Make a normal github fork of duplicacy (so that you have;
  2. Clone original duplicacy: go get, and not your fork;
    • The repository is locally @ cd $GOPATH/src/;
  3. Add a remote to your fork in the cloned repository git remote add fork noted above;
  4. Instead of committing/pushing to origin (which is the original, now you use fork (which is your github repository

In this way, it is also very easy to test other people's code: just add a new remote to $GOPATH/src/ (the original duplicacy clone) like you did in step 3. But just change the name fork to something else.

Note about the second method: there is no clone of therefore there shouldn't exist on your disk any folder $GOPATH/src/

Cross compile

An example for some NAS boxes - ARM, Debian with 64k pages:

cd $GOPATH/src/
env GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -o duplicacy_linux64k_arm --ldflags "-R 65536" -v duplicacy/duplicacy_main.go