This is a demo project demonstrating the use of WebSockets and GoogleMaps to perform real-time tracking of clients.
Make sure you have php and composer installed and that the sqlite extension for php is installed and enabled in php.ini, then run the following commands;
git clone
cd ./websockets-googlemaps/server
composer install
You will need to get a Google Maps API key and then enable the Google Maps Javascript API. Then go to line 138 of ./client/webmap.js and replace API_KEY with the key you get.
$.getScript("", function() {
Finally, run the following commands to start the websocket server;
cd ./server
php bin/track-server.php
Then run the following commands to start the http server;
cd ./client
sudo php -S localhost:80
Launch different browsers and go to http://localhost/websocket-googlemaps.html and register and login as different users.