This is a list of organizations that pay remote workers equally regardless of their location
Organization | Compensation policy | Source | Job openings |
37signals | Same pay everywhere, "top 10% of SF market", each job listing comes with a salary | December 2017 announcement, company website | Link |
Airteam | "Location-agnostic and competitive pay" and personal office/tech stipend | Careers Page | Link |
Cabify | Same pay everywhere for Software Engineering, actual salary bands are public | Handbook | Link | | Same pay everywhere, example salary bands published | October 2021 announcement | Link |
Cogsy | Same pay everywhere, each job listing comes with a salary band | People-First jobs profile/interview | Link |
Daily | Same pay everywhere, salary bands published | February 2022 announcement | Link |
DuckDuckGo | Same pay everywhere, salary bands not published | Hiring page | Link |
Expensify | Same pay everywhere, "Silicon Valley levels", salary bands not published | June 2016 announcement | Link |
Float | Same pay everywhere, "95% of median SF market", salary bands not published | June 2021 announcement | Link |
Gruntwork | Same pay everywhere, each job listing comes with a salary band | Careers page | Link |
Guilded | Same pay everywhere, "competitive to top Silicon Valley companies", salary bands not published | Company handbook | Link |
Gumroad | Same pay everywhere, salary bands not published | January 2021 announcement | Link |
Harvest | Same pay everywhere, "top of the market (informed by 3rd-party data) for all roles", salary bands not published | Careers page | Link |
Help Scout | Same pay everywhere, "Boston/Seattle levels", salary bands not published | Announcement | Link |
Kit | Same pay everywhere, Radford 70th percentile in the US for each role, updated yearly | May 2022 CEO twitter thread | Link |
Optimism / OP Labs | Same pay everywhere, "top 25% SF salaries", salary bands not published | Hiring FAQ | Link |
Oxide | Same pay everywhere, everyone earns the same except some sales positions, each job listing comes with a salary | March 2021 announcement | Link |
Parabol | Same pay everywhere, US-based salaries, each job listing comes with a salary band | Careers page | Link |
Raycast | Same pay everywhere, "using London as a reference", each job listing comes with a salary band | March 2022 announcement | Link |
RevenueCat | Same pay everywhere, "80th percentile of Bay area", each job listing comes with a salary band | July 2021 announcement - April 2022 update | Link |
Toggl | Same pay everywhere, each job listing comes with a salary | Careers page | Link |
Whimsical | Same pay everywhere, some job listings come with a salary band | March 2021 announcement | Link |
Zillow | Same pay everywhere, "top 10% of US salaries", salary bands not published | LinkedIn post from 2021 | Link |