Kickstart is my personal template repository that bootstaps:
- The
command runner from - Scripts that check style / formatting via:
- A Github Actions CI pipeline powered by dhall that enforces all of the above
to assist with writing scripts that would be too messy for bash
- Add the following asdf plugins:
- dhall
asdf plugin-add dhall
- shellcheck
asdf plugin-add dhall
- shfmt
asdf plugin-add shfmt
- fd
asdf plugin-add fd
- yarn
asdf plugin-add yarn
- deno
asdf plugin-add deno
- node
# asdf plugin-add nodejs ~/.asdf/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring
- just
asdf plugin-add just
- Run
asdf install
to install all the tools specified in .tool-versions - Run
just install
to install all the packages
Run just all
to render the CI pipeline, format, and lint all files
See LICENSE © Geoffrey Gilmore