Analysis of B. saida full transcriptome data from raw reads to gene ontology
Steps outlined in this repository:
- Demultiplexing
- Adapter trimming with Bbduk
- Genome indexing and alignment with STAR
- Feature count with htseq-count
- Verification of sample inter-comparability
- Differential gene expression (DGE) analysis
- identification of up and downregulated genes with DESeq2
- conversion of genes to standardized UIDs with NCBI's eFetch Utility
- annotation of biological processes and assignment of gene ontologies using FishEnrichr
- visualization of GO pathways using simplifyEnrichment
Steps 1-5 can be found in the pipeline, while inter-comparability verification is carried out in R (version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)) through the approach described in fish stats and DGE is documented in the DESeq2 markdown. For additional reading, including a deeper discussion of these analyses, check out my MSc. thesis.