Browse Hacker News interactively in your terminal
HNTerm is a small console application written in C++ for browsing Hacker News. It queries the official HN API and interactively displays the current stories and comments. It uses libcurl
to perform the GET requests to the API. The UI is rendered with ImTui. HNTerm fetches only the content that is currently visible on the screen. The window splits allow browsing multiple stories/comment sections at the same time.
sudo snap install hnterm
brew install ggerganov/ggerganov/hnterm
git clone --recursive
cd hnterm
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
- Ubuntu 20.04 might need prerequisites:
sudo apt install cmake libncurses-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
git clone --recursive
cd hnterm
mkdir build && cd build
emconfigure cmake ..
The Emscripten port of HNTerm uses Emscripten's Fetch API instead of libcurl
to perform requests to the HN API.
Demo: (not suitable for mobile devices)