Safepay Laravel Payment Gateway Integration
composer require webribs/safepay-laravel
Add provider in app.php
Add alias
'SafePay' => Webribs\Safepay\SafepayFacade::class
php artisan migrate
It will create a table named "payment_logs".
php artisan vendor:publish
A file (safepay.php) will be placed in config folder.
return [
"environment" => "sandbox", //use 'production' for live payments
"api_key" => "",
'redirect_url' => "http://localhost:8000/success",
'cancel_url' => "http://localhost:8000/payment-cancel",
'currency' => "PKR",
'webhook_secret_key' => "",
'order_class' => Order::class
To make payment, you need to pass order_id and total amount in process_payment()
use Webribs\Safepay\Safepay;
$safepay = new Safepay;
$link = $safepay->process_payment($order_id, $cart_total);
In response, it will return a redirect link. Simply redirect the user
if($link['result'] == 'success')
return redirect($link['redirect']);
When payment is done on safepay, you will be redirected to redirect_url that you passed in config file.
Safepay will post this data in redirect url.
array (
'order_id' => '1',
'sig' => '215557faae130d4b65dbd30b1838b816bb03c08531d861fd1215a836aaab5188',
'reference' => '532860',
'tracker' => 'track_93281536-3687-44a6-ac2b-4d015f98ef46',
'token' => 'trans_eeedfc06-21d6-4c67-b1bc-941a7ac73e10',
Route::post('success', 'Front\HomeController@storePaymentLog');
Route::get('payment-success/{sig}', 'Front\HomeController@viewPaymentSuccessPage')->name('payment_success');
Route::get('payment-cancel', 'Front\HomeController@viewCancelPaymentPage');
In VerifyCsrfToken.php middleware, add the following code
protected \$except = [
In storePaymentLog method you need to validate the signature. If signature is validated then store the payment log and update the order status.
public function storePaymentLog(Request $request)
$data = $request->input();
$safepay = new Safepay;
if ($safepay->validate_signature($data['tracker'], $data['sig']) === false) {
return redirect()->route('checkout.index')->with(['error' => 'Payment Failed']);
'order_id' => $data['order_id'],
'reference_code' => $data['reference'],
'tracker' => $data['tracker'],
'signature' => $data['sig'],
//update order status
$order = Order::find($data['order_id']);
$order->order_status_id = 1; //Paid
event(new OrderCreateEvent($order));
return redirect()->route('payment_success', $data['sig']);