note: The Cahoots project has been discontinued.
Cahoots WebExtension for firefox and chrome.
Information given in this section is also relevant for code reviewers from Mozila, Google etc.
The Cahoots web-extension requires node version 12 and yarn to build (newer versions of node might work). In order to create the bundle as shipped with the extension, follow these steps:
get the source code Unless you haven't received the source code already: check out the git repo on github. (as mozilla reviewer you might have received a copy of the code and don't need to checkout the repo)
install dependencies
yarn install
yarn run build
Now you've got the bundle as shipped in the extension.
For both you first need to build the bundle as described above.
- to run in firefox:
export FIREFOX_LOCATION=<path to firefox installation>
yarn run firefox
note: firefox developer edition might be required.
- to run in chrome:
export CHROME_LOCATION=<path to chrome installation>
yarn run chrome