This is my personal PHP webserver Image. Here is all most cool and essential php tool I use in regular projects
Feel free to visit the usage presentation in my channel
- Checkout the template project:
git clone
- Go to project root folder:
cd php-webserver
- chose the branch to mac-users
git checkout mac-system
- Build the Image:
docker build -t getjv/php-fpm --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) ..
- Turn the containers on:
docker compose up -d
- Access the
- Create or add your project into workspace folder
aka: workspace/myNewProject2/
- inside
create a new config file with you project name.aka config/myNewProject2.conf
(tip: copy and paste from the default example) - now edit the content of your new config file to map your needs like the
and theroot
folder of your project# config/myNewProject2.conf #others configs[...] server_name my-new-project-2.test root var/www/html/myNewProject2/public #others configs[...]
info: Projects like Laravel or Symfony have their root (documentRoot) in their public folder
- For each
file into yourconfig/nginx/
will exist a server_name entry and each of those should have a match into your system/etc/hosts
file - So every time you add a new project to your server ensure you update that file, run:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
add your new entry (aka. my-new-project-2.test) and save. This is exemple how it should like:# /etc/hosts #others configs[...] my-new-project-2.test localhost broadcasthost
- now access http://my-new-project-2.test and your browser will load the proper project
- First, do all steps from
First use Section
- The original Dockerfile image already have all xdebug config out of the box.
- (vscode users only) Felix xdebug extention:
- Install the xdebug extension in your browse:
- (vscode users only) Now in the VSCODE Replace the original launch.json with the following:
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Listen for XDebug", "type": "php", "request": "launch", "hostname": "", "port": 9003, "log": true, "pathMappings": { "/var/www/html": "${workspaceFolder}/workspace" }, "ignore": ["**/vendor/**/*.php"], "xdebugSettings": { "max_children": 10000, "max_data": 10000, "show_hidden": 1 } } ] }
- Add your break points and be happy!
- Access as dev user:
docker exec -it --user dev php sh
- Help to find the host/docker ip for xdebug:
netstat -nr | grep '^0\.0\.0\.0' | awk '{print $2}'
- Xdebug.log:
docker exec php tail -f /tmp/xdebug.log
- Bundle shortcut for Dockerfile tests:
docker compose down && docker rmi getjv/php-fpm && docker build -t getjv/php-fpm --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) . && docker compose up -d
- Help to mimic current user into container for mac: and
- install gnu-libiconv and set LD_PRELOAD env to make iconv work fully on Alpine image. docker-library/php#240 (comment)
- xdebug:
The source code for the site is licensed under the MIT license, which you can find in the MIT-LICENSE.txt file.
All graphical assets are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.