Public material from my research about textual history.
- Brüning, Gerrit. 2018. "Modellierung von Textgeschichte. Bedingungen digitaler Analyse und Schlussfolgerungen für die Editorik." In Digitale Literaturwissenschaft. DFG-Symposium 2017, edited by Fotis Jannidis et al. (forthcoming).
- Hoenen, Armin, and Gerrit Brüning. 2018. "Zur Stemmatologie neuerer Überlieferungen." In DARIAH-DE Working Papers (forthcoming soon).
- Brüning, Gerrit. 2018. "Gültiger Wortlaut und 'sinnliche Masse'. Zur Textkonstitution des 'Faust II'." In Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 138 (forthcoming).
- Frankenstein Bicentennial Project
- "Martian" project (see "What Changed When Andy Weir's The Martian Got Edited?")
- QuaDramA
- Kafka's novels
- history of printed editions
- manuscript revisions
- the three versions Hofmannsthal's "Der Turm"
- Musil's "Mann ohne Eigenschaften"
- (possibly) Th. Mann's "Doktor Faustus" (XML-ish non-XML data available)
- (possibly) some of Schnitzler's works (if data in textual form is available someday)
- (hopefully) Ilse Aichinger's journal essays (later published in book form)
- lemmatization
- collation
- index creation
- POS tagging
- metrical / prosodic analysis
For first steps see
(Text Re-use Alignment Visualization, see
See TXSTEP ( collation scripts in sub projects.