The description of these models will be published in the proceedings of NAACL 2015 under the title "So similar and yet incompatible: Toward the automated identification of semantically compatible words"
Go to the directory model/torch and edit my_config.lua to point to the root of your local copy of this repository
Create a "run configuration" (see the run_configs directory for examples)
Train the model:
luajit do-train.lua run_configs/conf_01.lua
- Use the model to generate predictions:
luajit do-measure.lua run_configs/conf_01.lua
A pretrained configuration with the l2_interaction model is available at l2_interaction_config.lua
You need to add "./?/init.lua" to your LUA_PATH. One simple way of doing so is copy-pasting this command in your terminal:
`echo "export LUA_PATH=$(luajit -e 'print(package.path)');./?/init.lua"`