You want to do lunch ith a group of people but it's hard to find a place and all agree on where to go!
With let's do lunch, you can find the best rated places in your area, and send a link to your friends where they can vote on where you want to do lunch.
App Images | App Images |
Once you all agree on a place you al get an email to see the results
results page screenshots
This is the MVP version in beta, version 1.0 will include:
- Tinder like swiping interface for voting
- Better bug handeling
- Native sharing widgets
- More managment options
- Sleeker UI
- Ability to add more than 5 people
Version 2.0 will include
- An ability to search at a location "in the middle" between two users (or more)
- Ability to find moview playing in local theaters using the fandango API
- "Lets do bookclub" feature that helps book clubs pick a book or comic book to read via Amazon API With let's do lunch, you can find the best rated places in your area, and send a link to your friends where they can vote on where you want to do lunch.
screenshots of initiator and voting
Once you all agree on a place you al get an email to see the results
results page screenshots
This is the MVP version in beta, version 1.0 will include:
- Tinder like swiping interface for voting
- Better bug handeling
- Native sharing widgets
- More managment options
- Sleeker UI
- Ability to add more than 5 people
Version 2.0 will include
- An ability to search at a location "in the middle" between two users (or more)
- Ability to find moview playing in local theaters using the fandango API
- "Lets do bookclub" feature that helps book clubs pick a book or comic book to read via Amazon API
Start doing lunch and enjoy the fun!