This is a repo of the dotfiles I use everyday. I would not recommend coying them without looking into the source first. However, I am not responsible for anythong since I am just a copypasting codemonkey who tries to look cool if someday someone accidently looks at my screen.
There is a file in the root, which currently only symlinks the bash files into your home directory. Be careful and make a backup of your .bash files first, because all of them will get overwritten.
The bash directory contains a lot of bash related files:
loads all the other .bash files. For the sake of your own sanity there should be no other stuff in it.
Aliases only. Nothing else.
Environment variables only. Nothing else.
This is the exception to the rule. Every installed software which needs some kind of configuaration during shell startup goes here. For example I use it to configure nvm or the virtualenvwrapper.
Only options. Nothing else.
Now that's the fancy stuff. It makes your prompt more usesful and better looking.