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Search results analysis

tdipisa edited this page Oct 11, 2012 · 1 revision

Analysis of returned records

A tipical record of the GetRecords Response is like this:

    <csw:Record xmlns:geonet="" 
    <dc:title>Soil (Carbon Sequestration) - FDH Extent</dc:title>
    <dc:subject>Fouta Djallon Highlands</dc:subject>
                    The raster dataset of suitability of soil conditions for soil carbon sequestration derived 
                    from the raster version of the FAO/UNESCO soil map of the world (wdsmwgr).This dataset of 
                    the FDH area is derived from the global raster after reducing the spatial extent of the 
                    original dataset to a more significant area for the Fouta Djallon Highlands project.
     <ows:BoundingBox crs="urn:ogc:def:crs:::WGS 1984">
         <ows:LowerCorner>-5.3819892816246 7.62806</ows:LowerCorner>
            <ows:UpperCorner>-16.88153 15.46108</ows:UpperCorner>
     <dc:URI protocol="OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map" 
             description="Suitability of Soil conditions for Soil Carbon Sequestration (23460 bytes)"

     <dc:URI protocol="WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download" 
             name="&#10;      ;              "
             description="Suitability of Soil conditions for Soil Carbon Sequestration"
        <dc:URI name="thumbnail">resources.get?id=74&amp;fname=small.bmp&amp;access=public</dc:URI>

You can view three different dc:URI fields. Protocol or name attributes are useful to understand that

  • thumbnail: is the one with the attribute name="thumbnail". URL of this resource can be relative.
  • Layers: the dc:URI with attribute protocol="OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map" is the layer. Name is layer name. Value of this entry is the WMS service address
  • Downloads: protocol="WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download" distinguishes the download URI from the others

OpenLayers parses dc fields simply creating, for each dc: entry, an object like this:

 { attribute1 : value1,..., attributeN :valueN, value : nodeContent }
 { attribute1 : value1,..., attributeN :valueN, value : nodeContent },
 { attribute1 : value1,..., attributeN :valueN, value : nodeContent } 

in the case of exemple, for URI FIELDS

        protocol:     "OGC:WMS-1.1.1-http-get-map",
        name:         "geonetwork:soil_carbon_sequestration",
        description:  "Suitability of Soil conditions for Soil Carbon Sequestration (23460 bytes)",
        value:        ""
        protocol:      "WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download" ,
        name:          "&#10;      ;              ",
        description:   "Suitability of Soil conditions for Soil Carbon Sequestration",
        value:         "   amp;;access=private"
        name:          "thumbnail",
        value:         "resources.get?id=74&amp;fname=small.bmp&amp;access=public"
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