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Bookstore Exercise

This project is a bookstore application developed using Java as part of an intensive training program sponsored by Americanas at Ada Tech.


The system must be able to register the following products:

  • Books: Must have name, id, price, genre, writer, publisher.
  • Games: Must have name, id, price, distributor, genre, and studio.
  • Movies: Must have name, id, price, studio, director, genre, and producer.
  • Music albums: Must have name, id, price, musician/band, genre, and record label.
  • Toys: Must have name, id, price and type.

Additionally, the system must have a cash register which must have information about the money present in it.

The system must have the following functionalities:

  • Add, view, change, and remove any product from the system.
  • See how many items of a specific type exist in stock.
  • View the complete list of items in stock.
  • View the list of items in stock by category.
  • Perform the purchase operation, when performing this operation the purchased products are removed from stock and the money paid must be added to the cash register.

My Implementation

In-Memory Database

To store and fetch the items, I created a three-dimensional HashMap.

The first dimension of this HashMap contains HashMaps that store all HashMaps of items from a certain category, with the category name being the key used to acess it (E.g. "Books").

Inside these HashMaps, are the HashMaps that contain items from a certain genre or type, with the genre/type being the key (E.g. "Science fiction", "Romance", etc).

Inside the final HashMap layer, all items of this category and genre a can be found, with the product's ID being the key used to access it.

This way, it is possible to quickly look up a specific item without having to iterate through all items until the product of a specific ID is found.

Also, since the location of all items is already known, there is no need to iterate through any unnecessary items when looking for all items of a specific category and/or genre or ID.

HashMaps creation

In this project, I opted to offer a pre-selected list of genres/types, that the user will be able to select via a printed menu. To make modifications such as the addition of new categories and genres/types as easy as possible, all HashMaps are created automatically, initializing the right number of HashMaps at the right location, based on arrays containing all categories. The menus' options and accepted input also work based on these arrays, making adding more genres as easy as adding a string to an array.

ID search

Since there are multiple layers of HashMaps, the ID must carry information about where this item will be located. Since the items are organized by category and then by genre/type, the ID must carry identifiers for those to be able to quickly look into the third layer of HashMaps, which contains the products.

To do this, I opted for the simple solution of creating an ID with the 3 first characters of the category, followed by the 3 first characters of the genre/type, and finnaly, a numeric ID.

This way, I only needed to create methods to "translate" these 6 character identifiers to the keys necessary to access the HashMap where the item is located.


User interactions are made mostly using menus, which are printed taking into account the number of options, represented by String arrays.

The menus will prompt the user with 'buttons', containing a number and an option. To select an option, the user must insert its number.

Log in menu

The log in menu can be used to access any created account or the admin acount

The admin account is pre-created and has access to all manipulation and visualization tools, such as manipulating products, viewing orders and viewing the inventory and sales dashboard

To access the admin account, select 2 - Log in and insert the username admin and the password admin.

Here is the login process and the admin account menu:

Acessing the admin account

Account creation

To acess the shopping functionality, you must create a customer account.

An example of the process is shown below:

Creating account

Immediately after creation, you will be logged in the account.

Accounts, shopping carts and purchases persist during the execution of the application.

Manipulating products

Products can be added, modified and removed by logging in with the username and password admin.

Adding products

When adding products, you will be prompted to chose between the categories: Albums, Books, Films,Games and Toys, followed by selecting one of the genres/types of the chosen category.

Add Item Menu - Album Example

Modifying products

When modifying products, you will be prompted to insert the products ID, and will be prompted with the following menu:

Modify Item Menu - Book Example

Viewing product list

You can access the product list while logged in as a customer or with the admin account.

Upon selecting the 1 - See product list option, you will be prompted on what products you want to see. You can choose to see all products, all products from a category, or products from a specific genre/type within a category.

See Products List - Toy Example

The resulting list will be displayed in the following way:

Product list - Book Example

Purchasing products and viewing orders

When logged in as a customer, products can be added and removed form the cart. Upon completion of the purchase, the order will be saved to the purchase history, and it is visible to the customer's account and to the admin account.

Adding items to cart

Items can be added to the cart through their ID, as shown below:

Add item to cart

Viewing shopping cart

When viewing the shopping cart, you will be given the option to check out, add or remove items from cart and go back to shopping, as shown below:

View shopping cart

After checkout, the cart is emptied and the order is created and added to the account's purchase history, which can be viewed by the account and by the admin.

View orders

Orders can be viewed by selecting 6 - See sales history while logged in as admin, or 4 - See my purchase history while logged in as a customer:

View orders

Viewing the sales dashboard

On the dashboard, it will be possible to see the quantity and value of all items in stock, by category and in total.

It will also be possible to see the quantity of items sold by category, as well as the value of sales, by category and in total.

The dashboard can be accessed by selecting 5 - See sales dashboard when logged in to the admin account:

View dashboard

Running the Code

To run this project, clone the repository and import it into your favorite Java development environment. Make sure to have Java Development Kit (JDK) version 17 or above installed on your machine.


3D HashMap In-Memory Database Java Bookstore Application







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