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George edited this page Nov 23, 2015 · 19 revisions

A beautifully meaningful 🎱

Some user stories to start with:

  1. I want to take a table name from my database and generate basic Sinatra/Rails restful routes.

  2. I want to be able to copy a route to my text editor with one click(like cloning a repository): eg.

  GET '/recipes/:id' do 

    #Route info goes here 

  1. I want to copy all of my table's RESTful routes with one click.

  2. I want quick access to info on basic routes that are outside RESTful convention. Things like login logout and authenticate.

  3. I want to be able to copy generic routes that are outside RESTful convention.

  4. I'd like to see a small descriptions of the role of each route.

  5. I'd like to be able to specify a second related table and a relationship (ie. has-many, has-one) and generate nested routes for that table.

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