This PowerShell module provides tools for the Algorand blockchain.
- Initial implementation
- Publish to module repository
- Examples
- Help documentation
- Advanced use cases
This module is published to PSGallery, therefore it can be installed with the following command:
PS> Install-Module -Name Algorand -Verbose
Note, after installing the module call Import-Module
to load it into the current session.
The module is pre-configured for Mainnet, Testnet, and Betanet. For each of the pre-configured networks, the module connects to nodes maintained by (Thanks AlgoNode!). The current Algorand network configuration determines where requests are directed. The current network can be obtained by calling Get-AlgorandNetwork
with no arguments.
This module can be configured to manage accounts. Accounts are persisted in the Account Store, which stores data in a KeePass database using pt.KeePassLibStd. To setup the Account Store, call Initialize-AlgorandAccountStore
and enter and confirm a password. In subsequent sessions, use Open-AlgorandAccountStore
to make the accounts accessible.
PS C:\Users\admin> Initialize-AlgorandAccountStore
Set password for the new Account Store instance.
Enter password: ********
Confirm password: ********
Created account store: 'C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\.algorand\accounts.kdbx'
It is not neccessary to use the Account Store to obtain an account object for signing transactions. An account object can be initialized at any time with the following command:
PS C:\Users\admin> New-AlgorandAccount -Name "My Account" -Mnemonic "$ValidMnemonic"
Call Get-AlgorandNetwork
to get the current network
PS C:\Users\admin> Get-AlgorandNetwork
Name GenesisId GenesisHash
---- --------- -----------
testnet testnet-v1.0 SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=
Call Get-AlgorandNetwork -GetAll
to get all networks
PS C:\Users\admin> Get-AlgorandNetwork -GetAll
Name GenesisId GenesisHash
---- --------- -----------
mainnet mainnet-v1.0 wGHE2Pwdvd7S12BL5FaOP20EGYesN73ktiC1qzkkit8=
testnet testnet-v1.0 SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=
betanet betanet-v1.0 mFgazF+2uRS1tMiL9dsj01hJGySEmPN28B/TjjvpVW0=
Use Get-AlgorandNodeStatus
to get the status of the configured algod node.
PS C:\Users\admin> Get-AlgorandNodeStatus
CatchupTime : 0
LastRound : 21140662
LastVersion :
NextVersion :
NextVersionRound : 21140663
NextVersionSupported : True
StoppedAtUnsupportedRound : False
TimeSinceLastRound : 1039953532
LastCatchpoint :
Catchpoint :
CatchpointTotalAccounts : 0
CatchpointProcessedAccounts : 0
CatchpointVerifiedAccounts : 0
CatchpointTotalBlocks : 0
CatchpointAcquiredBlocks : 0
PS> Get-AlgorandAccount | Get-AlgorandAccountInfo | Select -ExpandProperty Amount
PS> Get-AlgorandAccount | Get-AlgorandAccountInfo | Select -ExpandProperty Assets
Amount AssetId Creator IsFrozen
------ ------- ------- --------
733638011 21582668 False
268130222 26832577 False
588105 26835113 False
270313 51435943 False
48007 51437163 False
308119 56963708 False
PS> $sender = Get-AlgorandAccount -GetAll | Select-Object -First 1
PS> $amount = 3000
PS> $tx = New-AlgorandPaymentTransaction -Sender $sender -Amount $amount -Receiver $receiver
PS> $signedTx = Sign-AlgorandTransaction -Transaction $tx -Account $sender
PS> Submit-AlgorandTransaction -Transaction $signedTx
PS> Get-Module -Name Algorand | Select -ExpandProperty ExportedCommands | Select -ExpandProperty Values | Select Name
- .NET 8 SDK
- PowerShell 7.4
Clone this repository and execute build-and-load-local.ps1
in a PowerShell window to build the module and import it into the current session. By default, when building locally the module is named Algorand.Local
powershell-outauth-module build pipelines use GitHub Actions workflows.
powershell-algorand-module is licensed under a MIT license except for the exceptions listed below. See the LICENSE file for details.
Nothing in the repo constitutes professional and/or financial advice. Use this module at your own risk.