This is a first version of a gRPC service and protobuf definition for serving NAIP metadata that tries to be STAC compliant.
cli tool- AWS s3 requester pays authorization in ~/.aws/credentials (
aws configure
to setup) ogr2ogr
with postgres extensions- docker + docker-compose
- virtualenv
There are two different ways to test the gRPC service. One is with a postgis docker container and the other is with a docker-compose db+service. Both require this initial set of commands.
Initial commands will download a gig or more of shapefiles to your local machine and prepare a database:
git clone [email protected]:geo-grpc/naip-stac-grpc.git
cd naip-stac-grpc
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Test version 1; test with the local docker database:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 install
Test version 2; test with docker-compose initialized with a pg_dump file:
export PG_DB_DATA=naip_visual_db-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
# dump postgres table to file
docker exec naip-metadata-postgis pg_dump -U user -Fc \
-t naip_visual testdb > ./$PG_DB_DATA
docker stop naip-metadata-postgis
docker-compose up --build -d
# wait for postgres db to initialize. you could omit the `-d` and
# watch for the initialization completion and execute the rest of
# the command from another window
sleep 15
docker exec -i naip-stac-grpc-db-c pg_restore -C --clean --no-acl --no-owner \
-U user -d testdb < ./$PG_DB_DATA
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The definitions for a stac item response are in protos/epl/protobuf/stac_item_result.proto
. It is copied from the protocol buffer for stac defined here:
There are a couple of distinctions from the STAC definitions.
- there isn't a properties container on the item result object. It could be added, but for the purposes of the demo it made it more difficult.
- there isn't a bands array on the item result object.
Protobuf definitions have fields that are indexed by field numbers. As we want people to extend STAC for there own purposes the field numbers 201 to 500 are available for custom definitions. The field numbers from 1 to 200 and from 501 to max are reserved for STAC definitions. More keys could be released as needed.
There are two different versions of the proto file format, proto2
and proto3
that are currently in use. For the message response, the stac_item_result.proto
is defined for proto2
. In protobuf, messages are like structs. They must have a default value even if that value hasn't been set, and in the name of compactness that value is 0. In proto2, the version
of our proto file for results, there is a method that allows you to check whether a field has been set (this is absent from proto3
). That way you can ignore values that are 0, but doesn't represent the data. If the HasField
method returns false, the data should be ignored. HasField, is a poor name, because there is still a field there is data, it's just the data isn't set by the creator of the message.
This stac experiment imports a geometry proto definition used in another gRPC project. One of the aspects of this geometry definition is that you can define your aoi geometry using a wkt, wkb, geojson or esrishape. GeoJSON shouldn't be the only option, especially if a user wants results that are more compact. By default this project returns wkb for compactness, though it can accept wkt or wkb as an input.
install requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The repo contains compiled python files generated from the included proto file definitions. If you choose to make changes to the proto files you'll need to compile the proto files to python code. The generated code is in the epl/grpc
and the epl/protobuf
python3 -mgrpc_tools.protoc -I=./protos --python_out=./ \
./protos/epl/protobuf/geometry_operators.proto \
python3 -mgrpc_tools.protoc -I=./protos --grpc_python_out=./ \
after compiling the proto files included above , install the packages:
python3 install
You need an AWS account with s3 requester pays read access. ogr2ogr
with Postgres plugin is required for writing data to DB. Docker is required for running the DB.
AWS Setup:
with aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
. NAIP bucket is requester pays.
GDAL + ogr2ogr + postgresql:
brew install gdal2 --with-postgresql
To collect all the data data from the AWS NAIP shapefiles (a gig or more) you'll need to execute the included bash script,
Once the
script is finished and you have the database up and running you can run the tests. From within the repo directory you can call pytest
to run all tests. There will be some warnings, from psycopg2
but beyond that all tests should pass.
To test the service you can open a terminal and run python3
and from another terminal run python3
, or run the jupyter notebook from the repo.
STAC is described in further detail here:
gRPC services, protobuf binary, and the proto files that define them can be used separately, but they were designed to be used together for microservices communication. They are part of an open source intiaitive from Google. They're based off of Google's own internal RPC framework, Stubby. More info can be found here:
NAIP data: AWS and ESRI teamed up to provide a bucket on s3 that is requester pays. More information here: