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Said Tahsin Dane edited this page Feb 20, 2015 · 4 revisions

All main pages like index.html are built from content blocks. Content block is a modular piece of information you can include into any page. Learn more about Jekyll templating engine.

For instance here is how index.html looks like:

    layout: index
    permalink: /
     {% include hero.html %}
     {% include about.html %}
     {% include statistic.html %}
     {% include latest-news.html %}
     {% include rockstar-speakers.html %}
     {% include location-map.html %}    
     {% include venue.html %}
     {% include twitter-feed.html %}
     {% include partners.html %}
     {% include subscribe.html %}
     {% include buy-tickets.html %}

Available content blocks

Included into each template
  • head.html - <head>...</head> of pages
  • navigation.html - menu navigation bar
  • analytics.html- Google Analytics tracking code
  • footer.html - last section of your page
Could be used anywhere
  • about.html - information about event
  • blog.html - list of all blog posts
  • buy-tickets.html - tables with information about tickets on event
  • direction-details.html - block with information about hotels and how to get to the event
  • disqus-comments.html - with this content block you can add comments to any page, by default included into blog posts
  • find-way.html- Google I/O like find your way block
  • hero.html - welcome header with typeout text and event date
  • latest-news.html - latest two news from blog
  • location-map.html - map with event location and basic information in block
  • partners.html - logos of organizers, partners or sponsors rendered from /data/organizers.yml and /data/partners.yml
  • post.html - post template for blog
  • rockstar-speakers.html - random n speakers marked as rockstars from /data/speakers.yml
  • schedule.html - schedule rendered from /data/schedule.yml
  • schedule-modals.html - modal windows with information about sessions rendered from /data/sessions.yml and /data/speakers.yml
  • speaker-list.html - list of speakers with session details (lily-effect)
  • speaker-list-2.html - list of speakers without session details (zoe-effect)
  • speaker-modals.html - modal windows with information about speakers rendered from /data/speakers.ymland /data/sessions.yml
  • statistic.html - basic information about your event in numbers
  • subscribe.html - subscribe form
  • team.html - info about team members rendered from /data/team.yml
  • top-header - top part of page with title of page (there included navigation.html)
  • twitter-feed.html - showing tweets parsed from remote .json
  • venue.html - information about event place

Schedule Block

Schedule is rendered from /data/schedule.yml, /data/sessions.yml and /data/speakers.yml files. Example of /data/schedule.yml

  date: "2014-10-24"
  dateReadable: "October 24"
    - {title: "Android", color: "#90be4e"}
    - {title: "Web & Cloud", color: "#03a9f4"}
    - {title: "Community", color: "#e91e63"}
    - {
    	startTime: "10:00",
    	endTime: "10:45",
    	sessionIds: [002, 003, 004]
    - {
        startTime: "11:00",
        endTime: "11:45",
        sessionIds: [003, 404, 004]
    - {
    	startTime: "12:00",
    	endTime: "11:45",
    	sessionIds: [307]
  date: "2014-10-25"
  dateReadable: "October 25"
    - {title: "Android", color: "#90be4e"}
    - {title: "Web & Cloud", color: "#03a9f4"}
    - {
    	startTime: "10:00",
    	endTime: "10:45",
    	sessionIds: [404, 002]
    - {
    	startTime: "11:00",
    	endTime: "11:45",
    	sessionIds: [002, 003]
    - {
        startTime: "13:00",
        endTime: "13:45",
        sessionIds: [003]
    - {
    	startTime: "14:00",
    	endTime: "15:00",
    	sessionIds: [503]

There are two days. First one has 3 tracks: "Android", "Web & Cloud" and "Community" each of them has own color for better recognition.

In every timeslots you write startTime, endTime and sessionIds which are taken from /data/sessions.yml file. Note: order is important and corresponds to each track.

To insert blank slot write 404 in correspond track of sessionIds.

For creating service slots like 'Coffe break' or 'Lunch Break' simply add them into /data/sessions.yml

  id: 307
  title: "Coffee Break"
  place: "Hall"
  service: true
  id: 503
  title: "Lunch Break"
  place: "Dining room"
  service: true

Note: service: true is required!