A multi-timer and chrono application. The essential chef tool.
- Notifications with sounds.
- Prevent screen from locking.
- Still working in background.
- Multilanguage support: English and Spanish.
Download and install the libraries:
git clone https://github.com/gchumillas/kitchendoro
cd kitchendoro
And run the app into the iOS or Android simulators:
yarn iOS # run the app in the iOS simualtor [OR]
yarn Android # run the app in the Android emulator
Once the app is installed into the simulator, you can start the Expo server and reopen the app to refresh it:
yarn start
android -- Android app
ios -- iOS app
assets -- Images, icons, etc.
src -- Source code files
components -- Shareable components
app -- App specific components [1]
i18n -- Translations
layouts -- Page layouts
libs -- Libraries
pages -- Pages [2]
providers -- Providers [3]
store -- Redux store
index.js -- Entry point
- [1] Some components can be reused in other applications, such as text fields, radio buttons, etc. And others don't. The
folder contains the components that are "app specific". - [2] A "page" is a special type of component used to present "pages". These components are registered in the routing system (see index.js).
- [3] A "provider" is any function that sends or gets information from an asynchronous resource, such as the System Cache or an external API.
- @expo-google-fonts: Amazing list of Google Fonts ready to use from your React Native app.
- i18next and react-i18next: Easy to use internationalization library.
- react-native-svg: Add SVG support to your React Native projects.
- redux and react-redux: Popular library to manage global state variables.
- react-router-native: Add routing capabilities to your native app.
- expo-secure-store: Manage System Cache keys.
- expo-keep-awake: Keep your screen always awake.
- expo-notifications: Manage push notifications.
- tailwind-rn: TailwindCSS for React Native applications.
# compile and execute the app into iOS simulator
yarn ios
# compile and execute the app into Android emulator
yarn android
# run ESLint to detect style guide inconsistencies,
# syntax errors, or problematic patterns in the source code
yarn lint
# run Expo server to start and debug the app
yarn start
# generates tailwind.json based on tailwind.config.js
yarn tw:build