Open terminal and launch:
roslaunch raccoon_bringup bringup.launch
Go into your workspace source folder (e.g. catkin_ws/src):
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
clone this repository:
git clone
return in catkin_ws:
cd ..
check dependencies:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
catkin_make install
To simulate in Gazebo:
roslaunch raccoon_gazebo raccoon_gazebo_full.launch
To run autonomous navigation:
roslaunch raccoon_navigation explore.launch
To enable battery control:
rosrun raccoon_demo battery_node
Note: when battery is low (10.0V) the robot will automatically shutdown. To use this node you must be on an UP2 and onboard leds working.
To run teleop control:
roslaunch raccoon_demo teleop.launch
Note: this node was designed to be used on the demo model with an X mode joypad, so if you use it is possible to obtain have issues with the navigation stack.
Copyright (c) 2021 Giovanni di Dio Bruno under MIT license