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A wrapper for gringo that takes a logic program as input, translates it to the debugging program, and outputs the grounded debugging program.

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Gringo Wrapper

A wrapper for gringo that takes a logic program as input and outputs the grounded program without any optimizations. For example, calling gringo with the logic program

b :- a.

leads to the grounded output a. b. Calling gringo-wrapper with the same logic program does not perform any optimizations.

Furthermore, (unless the --no-debug option is present) the gringo-wrapper adds a new unique atom _debug#(V1, ...) to the body of each non-fact rule of the logic program, where # is an integer starting from 1 to the number of non-fact rules in the logic program, and (V1, ...) is the list of all variables used in the rule (if any). In addition to adding the _debug atoms to the body of the rules, one choice rule containing all debug atoms is added to the program. The prefix of the debug atoms can be specified using the --debug-constant option.

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Make sure that you have added the location of the gringo binaries to your PATH system variable. Download the or gringo-wrapper-X.X-bin.tar.gz file from the latest gringo-wrapper release, or build it yourself. Unpack the archive and use the scripts provided in the bin/ directory to start the gringo-wrapper:

gringo-wrapper [options] [files]
  • If you specify one or more files, gringo-wrapper will read the contents of that files and print the grounded program on the standard output.
  • If you do not specify a filename, use the standard input to specify the logic program to ground. Note that the input has to be delimited by EOF (which can be done in the console using CTRL+D on Unix machines and CTRL+Z on Windows machines).
  • Call gringo-wrapper -h for all options.


This project is managed using Apache Maven. To build it, clone the repository and execute the package goal from maven:

git clone
cd gringo-wrapper
mvn package

This will create a .zip and .tar.gz file containing the Java archive as well as start scripts for Windows and Unix in the target/ directory.

How it works

The gringo-wrapper replaces each fact f of the logic program with the rule f :- _l, where _l is a fresh atom. Adding the rule _l | -_l ensures that gringo cannot do any optimization, since there are no facts in the logic program. After this modification, the gringo-wrapper uses gringo to ground the modified logic program. Then it replaces each grounded rule f :- _l with the fact f. and removes the artificial atom _l.


The gringo-wrapper rewrites assertions of the form assertTrue(atom) and assertFalse(atom) to rules :- not atom and :- atom, respectively. Furthermore, one can use the fixModel(atom1,atom2,...) command to fix the expected answer set { atom1, atom2, ... }.

Debug atom map

Unless the --no-debug option is present, the gringo-wrapper also appends a mapping of the debug predicate symbols to the rules at the end of the ground program. The entries of the debug atom map are of the following form:

10 _debug# #vars variables rule

For example, consider the following preprocessed logic program:

a :- b, _debug1.
pred(X,Y) :- n(X), n(Y), _debug2(X,Y).

The debug atom map of this program is

10 _debug1 0 a :- b.
10 _debug2 2 X Y pred(X,Y) :- n(X), n(Y).

Performance analysis

We have assessed the performance of the gringo-wrapper by comparing it with the OUROBOROS [1,2] debugger. We used the same instances and encodings of the second ASP competition that where used in the evaluation of [2]. Both the program encodings as well as the OUROBOROS translator can be found here inside the project org.mmdasp.sealion.ouroboros. For the OUROBOROS translator, we used the code of the org.mmdasp.sealion.ouroboros.evaluation.EvaluationEA class. The encodings of the instances where taken from the org.mmdasp.sealion.ouroboros.evaluation.programs package.

All benchmarks where performed on a machine equipped with an Intel Core i7-3667U CPU, 8GB of RAM as well as a 256 GB Toshiba THNSNF256GMCS solid-state drive. The grounders gringo, gringo-wrapper, and OUROBOROS where executed using the following commands, respectively:

gringo program.lp > grounded.txt
gringo-wrapper -nw program.lp > grounded.txt
java -jar ouroboros-translator.jar program.lp | gringo > grounded.txt

The results of the benchmark are presented below. Each row contains the identifier of the instance, the number of non-grounded rules (#ng), the number of grounded rules by gringo 4.4 (#g g), gringo-wrapper (#g g-w), and OUROBOROS (#g o) as well as the time in seconds required for the grounding (t). Furthermore, we report the increase of the size of the grounded program (inc) for the gringo-wrapper and OUROBOROS, compared to gringo.

Program Instance #ng #g g t #g g-w t inc #g o t inc
Graph Coloring 1-125 1672 6145 0.22 8031 0.63 1.3 19020 0.95 3.1
Graph Coloring 11-130 1757 6455 0.21 8416 0.68 1.3 19845 1.10 3.1
Graph Coloring 21-135 1986 7269 0.24 9305 0.73 1.3 21174 1.04 2.9
Graph Coloring 30-135 1794 6597 0.25 8633 0.64 1.3 20502 1.02 3.1
Graph Coloring 31-140 2039 7467 0.22 9578 0.67 1.3 21887 1.03 2.9
Graph Coloring 40-140 2219 8097 0.32 10208 0.68 1.3 22517 1.03 2.8
Graph Coloring 41-145 2262 8260 0.25 10446 0.68 1.3 23195 1.04 2.8
Graph Coloring 51-120 2405 8773 0.36 11034 0.76 1.3 24223 1.05 2.8
Hanoi 09-28 104 31748 0.40 94166 1.61 3.0 1739800 8.09 54.8
Hanoi 11-30 106 34056 0.33 100942 1.58 3.0 1864222 9.50 54.7
Hanoi 15-34 110 38672 0.38 114524 2.11 3.0 2112986 9.43 54.6
Hanoi 16-40 100 27137 0.35 80615 1.40 3.0 1491281 7.04 55.0
Hanoi 22-60 102 28311 0.29 84644 1.43 3.0 1678483 7.80 59.3
Hanoi 38-80 106 34044 0.23 100942 1.68 3.0 1864250 8.53 54.8
Hanoi 41-100 104 31738 0.39 94166 1.52 3.0 1739830 13.24 54.8
Hanoi 47-120 99 25968 0.19 77227 1.49 3.0 1429695 6.90 55.1
Knights Tour 01-8 21 1384 0.34 3413 1.14 2.5 12985716 59.44 9382.7
Knights Tour 03-12 22 3356 0.13 8652 0.60 2.6 >72244034 >300 >21526.8
Knights Tour 05-16 21 6192 0.16 16285 0.64 2.6 >69494641 >300 >11223.3
Knights Tour 06-20 21 9892 0.16 26321 0.88 2.7 >62785993 >300 >6347.1
Knights Tour 07-30 21 22922 0.40 61911 1.13 2.7 >59166564 >300 >2581.2
Knights Tour 08-40 21 41352 0.44 112501 1.27 2.7 >54944042 >300 >1328.7
Knights Tour 09-46 21 55002 0.53 150055 1.58 2.7 >56443633 >300 >1026.2
Knights Tour 10-50 22 65182 0.86 178094 2.15 2.7 >62402315 >300 >957.4
Partner Units 176-24 68 12563 0.22 14218 1.03 1.1 102023 1.47 8.1
Partner Units 23-30 117 39231 0.29 42106 1.20 1.1 276645 2.11 7.1
Partner Units 29-40 108 59979 0.34 64413 1.67 1.1 629639 3.35 10.5
Partner Units 207-58 136 158564 0.61 168289 3.07 1.1 2726182 11.94 17.2
Partner Units 204-67 141 218808 0.78 231083 5.30 1.1 4280282 17.79 19.6
Partner Units 175-75 290 682015 2.10 699472 16.03 1.0 8604415 40.60 12.6
Partner Units 52-100 254 952363 2.68 979603 16.61 1.0 20125857 90.10 21.1
Partner Units 115-100 254 952369 2.86 979759 16.07 1.0 20317011 94.26 21.3


[1]: Oetsch, J., Pührer, J., Tompits, H.: Catching the Ouroboros: On Debugging Non-ground Answer-Set Programs. TPLP 10(4-6), 2010 (2010)
[2]: Polleres, A., Frühstück, M., Schenner, G., Friedrich, G.: Debugging Non-ground ASP Programs with Choice Rules, Cardinality and Weight Constraints. In: LPNMR, pp. 452–464 (2013)


A wrapper for gringo that takes a logic program as input, translates it to the debugging program, and outputs the grounded debugging program.







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