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HKN Member Portal

A member portal for UCSD HKN members to submit their resume and log membership points.




Table of contents


Getting Started

  • Clone the repository
git clone <project_name>
  • Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
npm install
  • Ask current code owners for the .env file used in production or see Create a testing environment section below to create your own credentials for testing

    Set up the following variables in .env file

    Variable Description
    REACT_APP_API_KEY API key for using Firebase API
  • Build and run the project

npm run start

Finally, navigate to http://localhost:3000 and you should see the member portal being served and rendered locally!

Create a testing environment

This member portal uses Firebase to host and store its data. If you do not have access to the production .env file, you will need to replicate the Firebase project in order to test your code. In this section, I will walk you through how to create a Firebase project and replicate the settings.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Add Firebase to your Javascript project document to create a new Firebase project, register your app and set up Firebase Hosting.
  2. Follow Get config object for your web app in Download Firebase config file or object to get the Firebase configuration for .env file.
  3. Complete the .env file with the Firebase configuration for each respective variable.
  4. Follow Create a Cloud Firestore database in Get started with Cloud Firestore to create a Firestore in locked mode in your project.
  5. In your console, select Rules from the tabs under Database, copy and paste the following snippet into the text area:
    service cloud.firestore {
    match /databases/{database}/documents {
    	match /users/{uid} {
    	allow read: if uid == request.auth.uid && 
    					request.auth.token.member == true && request.auth.token.email_verified;
    	allow write: if uid == request.auth.uid && 
    					request.auth.token.member == true && request.auth.token.email_verified;
  6. Follow Create a default Storage bucket in Get Started on Web to create a storage in your project.
  7. Under Rules of the Storage tab, copy and paste the following snippet into the text area:
    service {
    	match /b/{bucket}/o {
    		match /users/{uid}/resume/{filename=**} {
    			allow read: if request.auth.uid == uid && 								
    							request.auth.token.email_verified && request.auth.token.member == true
    			allow write: if request.auth.uid == uid && 					
    							request.auth.token.email_verified && request.auth.token.member == true && request.resource.size < 1 * 1024 * 1024 && request.resource.contentType.matches('application/pdf')
    			allow delete: if request.auth.uid == uid && 			
    							request.auth.token.email_verified && 
    							request.auth.token.member == true

Now you have replicated the Firebase project and completed the .env file. You can follow the Deploying the app section to deploy your code via Firebase Hosting.

Deploying the app

Set up Firebase CLI

  1. Install the Firebase CLI using npm by running:
    npm install -g firebase-tools
    This command installs globally avaiable firebase command. To update to the latest version of the Firebase CLI, re-run the same npm install command.
  2. Sign into Firebase using your Google account by running:
    firebase login
    This command connects your local machine to Firebase and grants you access to your Firebase projects.
  3. To test that authentication worked (and to list all of your Firebase projects), run the following command:
    firebase list This displayed list should be the same as the Firebase projects listed in the Firebase console. If you do not have a Firebase project for this app, please follow the Create a testing environment section to replicate a Firebase project.

Build the app

Building the app locally is required to generate a build folder to deploy because the firebase deploy won't execute build tasks. Build the app however you normally would:

  • execute npm run build from a terminal window


Run firebase deploy from the terminal to deploy the app to Firebase Hosting and Firebase Functions. If you want to only deploy one of them, run firebase deploy --only hosting or firebase deploy --only functions.

Project Structure

The full folder structure of this app is explained below:

Name Description
functions Contains node modules, dependencies and script for Firebase Functions
functions/index.js Script run by Firebase Functions
node_modules Contains all npm dependencies
public Contains base files that will be accessible to the public
public/404.html Page not found
public/favicon.ico The favicon to be displayed on the browser tab
public/index.html Template HTML page for React app
public/manifest.json A Web App Manifest that describes this application and it's used by e.g. mobile phones if a shortcut is added to the homescreen.
scripts Contains convenient scripts, e.g., download all resumes
src Contains source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/components/App/index.js Starting point of the React app
src/components/Home Contains components for the home page (the page after user signs in)
src/compoennts/Loading Contains components for the loading page
src/components/Session Contains codes that manage user's authentication
src/components/SignIn Contains components for the login page
src/components/SignUp Contains components for the sign-up page
src/constants Contains constants used throughout the project
src/images Contains images used throughout the project
src/index.js Starting point of the React app
src/serviceWorker.js Runs separately from the main browser thread, intercepting network requests, caching or retrieving resources from the cache, and delivering push messages
.env Defines variables that contain sensitive data, e.g., API key
.gitignore Defines files to ignore when pushing commits
CODEOWNERS Defines the code owners who are responsible for code reviews
firebase.json Defines Firebase Hosting configuration
package-lock.json Automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json
package.json File that contains npm dependencies as well as build scripts)


Dependencies are managed through package.json.


Package Description
@material-ui/core React components that implement Google's Material Design
@material-ui/icons Material Design Svg Icons converted to Material-UI React components.
@material/layout-grid Material design's responsive UI is based on a column-variate grid layout.
classnames A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file
eslint-plugin-react React specific linting rules for ESLint.
react React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-dom This packages serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React.
react-router Declarative routing for React
react-router-dom DOM bindings for React Router.
react-scripts Configuration and scripts for Create React App.
recompose A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.


Package Description

To install or update these dependencies you can use npm install or npm update.


Copyright (c) IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Kappa Psi. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License.


Member portal for UCSD HKN members.







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  • JavaScript 93.7%
  • HTML 4.4%
  • Python 1.9%