This script collects metadata (summary and images) for your plex collection that were created based on TheMovieDB.
How does it work?
The script collects all collections from your movie library that do not have a summary yet. It does this by looking the movies within the collection. The movies have a reference to the collection on TheMovieDB. If a valid collection reference can be found it will pull the summary as well as download posters/background images (and use the same web calls as if you were manually updating it over the web interface).
A sample on a small test library looks like this:
Currently this has only been tested with a couple of libraries, so I would recommend to do a database backup before starting the process (even though I don't think the script can do any real harm).
Add your server ip and your plex token to the setting.ini
Additionally you can:
- enable/disable the preference to prefer local art (if you have a non english library and want to get images in that langauge)
- change the limit of posters/backgrounds you want to download
The following additional python libraries are used
requests ( plexapi ( progress (
Python (tested with 3.6.3)