In this tutorial, we will install kafka and zookeeper in kubernetes, so before we move ahead, you need to know about :
Also, you must have access to kubernetes cluster, in this tutorial we will use KUBERNETES ENGINE in Google Cloud Platform.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials main-clus-kube --zone #ZONE --project #PROJECT_ID
To check that we connected successfully, the server version field should contain some info.
kubectl version
Download configuration files
git clone
Deploy zookeeper service
kubectl create -f zookeeper-service.yaml
Deploy kafka service
kubectl create -f kafka-service.yaml
We need the ip address of the service #IP_broker
kubectl describe svc kafka-service | grep LoadBalancer\ Ingress
If there is no output, please wait a while a retry.
In order to create a topic, we need to add it as environment variable like this #Topic:partition:replica
So, we edit kafka-deploy.yaml
and change #IP_Broker
& #Topic
Deploy zookeeper
kubectl create -f zookeeper-deploy.yaml
Deploy kafka broker
kubectl create -f kafka-deploy.yaml
Download kafka and unzip the file
tar -xzvf kafka_2.11-2.0.0.tgz
cd kafka_2.11-2.0.0
Start a consumer to receive your data
bin/ --bootstrap-server #IP_broker:9092 --topic #Topic
Send some messages to the broker
bin/ --broker-list #IP_broker:9092 --topic #Topic
Hello world!
we need to know pod's name :
kubectl get pods
after that replace them with #kafka-pod
& #zookeeper-pod
to show logs
kubectl logs #kafka-pod
kubectl logs #zookeeper-pod