Inviting projects currently
- India
- https://ganeshkbhat.github.io/
- @_ganeshb_
keyvalue-jsondb Public
kvjsondb - fast, secure and private, memory leak resistant redis like key value json based data store
kvjsonDB Public
kvjsonDB - fast, secure and private, memory leak resistant redis like key value json based data store
MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2025 -
input-shell Public
python like input function using input-shell in nodejs
fast-json Public
read write to json object fast using a flat structure read write update
which-sort Public
which-sort provides different techniques present theoritically to do a sort. a package to dwell into different sorting experiments of techniques
exec-command Public
npm module to run most windows linux mac commands scaling nodejs api and more in simpler fashion
get-traceroute Public
module to get the traceroute of an IP Address
which-type-object Public
use which-type-object to detect which type or javascript class instance or object tag an object of javascript is
inbrowseredit Public
make document editable in browser using inbrowseredit
sleep Public
sleep any execution for defined milliseconds using timed-sleep
which-istypedarray Public
check if an array or is a typed array or a buffer or simple array
which-type-js Public
determine which type of js is the object using which-type
dash-commons Public
use the package as a combined package of lodash-underscore in one object
gouuidjs Public
get the uuid package to get uuid v6, v7 versions of uuid using gouuidjs - wasm port of google uuid package
which-pkgmgr Public
detect default package manager in nodejs using detect-package-manager
http2protocols Public
convert http requests to defined protocols using http2protocols
filehandler Public
a simple interface and handler for streaming file handler using filehandler package
which-platform Public
check if an environment is nodejs or browser environment
issyntax Public
check if a item is a syntax in the javascript environment using issyntax
pubsub-provider Public
simple pubsub-provider module for publish and subscriber pattern
js-deep-compare Public
Deep compare JS objects and check types using js-deep-compare module
eventwrapper Public
event wrapper function module to wrap all methods of a function with events or eventify lifecyle events for the function or class
pkgmanager Public
package managers and default package manager of nodejs
shellmenu Public
create shell command line questions, their value parsers, and it's manager easily with predefined questions and answers, or question definition
shellflags Public
create shell command line flags, their parsers, and it's manager easily with predefined object definition
memsafe-jsondb Public
a simple nested scalable memory safe json key value store
ejson Public
running a simple ejson database server that can read and write with its own virtual filesystem
concurrent-automate Public
automate http and https requests using an array of requests running in multiple processes and thread pool workers to assist testing
concurrent-http Public
make http and https requests concurrently in process and thread pool workers