This document talks about how to get up and running with a single node Kubernetes cluster with logging (ELK) and monitoring(grafana, prometheus).
- Download docker desktop from docker hub
- Install on windows
- Go to settings
- Go to Advanced and provide atleast 2 CPU and 4 GB RAM
- Go to Kubernetes and apply as shown
- Apply
- To deploy redis run redis.bat
- The above batch file will deploy redis cache and redis-commander redis gui client
- Run kubectl get all
- As per above figure Kibana is running on port 30090
- Go to http://localhost:30090 and Redis Commander should be up
- To enable ELK logging stack run logging.bat
- The above batch file will create logging namespace and enable fluentd, elastic search and kibana
- Run kubectl get all -n logging
- As per above figure Kibana is running on port 30445
- Go to http://localhost:30445 and Kibana should open up
- To enable prometheus and grafana stack run monitoring.bat
- The above batch file will create monitoring namespace and enable prometheus and grafana
- Run kubectl get all -n monitoring
- As per above figure Grafana is running on port 32426
- Go to http://localhost:32426 and Grafana should open up
- Loging using admin/admin