Course Attendance System Welcome to the Course Attendance System project! This system aims to automate the process of attendance taking for Compro students using a collection of RESTful web services. The core functionality revolves around badge scanners installed in classrooms that record student attendance via badge scans.
Project Overview The Course Attendance System is designed to streamline attendance tracking for courses offered to Compro students. The system leverages badge scanners to create attendance records and offers various endpoints to manage and retrieve attendance data. The attendance data is then used to generate attendance lists, which can be exported as Excel spreadsheets.
Key Features Badge Scanning:
Each classroom is equipped with a badge scanner. Students scan their badges upon entering the classroom. The scanner records the student's barcode number, location ID, date, and time of the scan. Course and Session Management:
Students are registered for multiple course offerings. Each course offering has a unique identifier and is associated with a particular faculty and classroom. Courses have start and end dates, and a list of sessions is either computed in-memory or stored in the database. Standard course sessions are scheduled as follows: Monday to Saturday: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM (Morning session) and 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM (Afternoon session). The last day of the course is a half-day with only the morning session. Attendance List Generation:
A GET endpoint to retrieve the attendance list for a specific course offering. The attendance list is provided as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains columns for each course session and rows for each student, with attendance marked as 1 (present) or 0 (absent). Use Cases Student Use Cases View Registered Courses:
Endpoint: GET /student-view/course-offerings Description: Retrieve the list of courses the student is registered in and their grades if published. View Attendance for a Course Offering:
Endpoint: GET /student-view/course-offerings/{offeringId}/attendance Description: Retrieve the list of sessions for a specific course offering and the student's attendance. View All Attendance Records:
Endpoint: GET /student-view/attendance-records Description: Retrieve all attendance records for the student. View Course Information:
Endpoint: GET /student-view/course-offerings/{offeringId} Description: Retrieve information about a specific course offering, such as the instructor, start date, and classroom details. Admin Use Cases Download Attendance Records for a Course Offering:
Endpoint: GET /admin-view/course-offerings/{offeringId}/attendance Description: Download an Excel sheet of the attendance records for a specific course offering. View Courses in Session on a Specific Date:
Endpoint: GET /admin-view/course-offerings?date=YYYY-MM-DD Description: Retrieve all courses that are in session on a specific date. View Course Offering Details:
Endpoint: GET /admin-view/course-offerings/{offeringId} Description: Retrieve all details of a specific course offering, including the start and end dates, instructor, and class roster. View Student Details and Courses:
Endpoint: GET /admin-view/students/{studentID} Description: Retrieve details of a specific student and the courses they are registered for. Sys-Admin Use Cases Manage Students:
Endpoint: CRUD /sys-admin/students Description: Create, read, update, and delete student records. Manage Course Offerings:
Endpoint: CRUD /sys-admin/course-offerings Description: Create, read, update, and delete course offerings. Manage Courses:
Endpoint: CRUD /sys-admin/courses Description: Create, read, update, and delete courses. Manage Locations:
Endpoint: CRUD /sys-admin/locations Description: Create, read, update, and delete locations. API Endpoints
- Record Attendance Endpoint: POST /attendance-records Description: Records attendance based on badge scans. Payload: json Copy code { "studentBarcode": "string", "locationId": "string", "scanDateTime": "ISO 8601 datetime" }
- Get Course Offering Attendance Endpoint: GET /course-offerings/{courseOfferingId}/attendance Description: Retrieves the attendance list for a specified course offering as an Excel spreadsheet. Response: An Excel file with columns representing course sessions and rows representing student attendance. Roles and Permissions Student: Can view their own attendance records and course information. Faculty: Can view attendance records for their course offerings. Staff: Can manage course offerings and sessions. Sys-Admin: Has full access to all system functionalities. Technology Stack Java: Backend language Spring Boot: Framework for building RESTful services Apache POI: Library for creating and manipulating Excel files Hibernate: ORM for database interactions PostgreSQL: Database for storing application data Getting Started Prerequisites Java 11 or higher Maven PostgreSQL Installation Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone cd course-attendance-system Configure the database:
Update with your PostgreSQL database credentials. Build and run the application:
bash Copy code mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run API Documentation Access the API documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html for detailed information on available endpoints and their usage. Contribution We welcome contributions from the community. To contribute:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature). Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature). Create a new Pull Request. License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
We hope this Course Attendance System project helps in efficiently managing and automating the attendance process for Compro students. For any questions or support, please open an issue on GitHub. Happy coding!