This repository contains the code used in our paper comparing several pipelines for differential isoform expression and differential splicing analysis:
Merino, G.A., Conesa, A., & Fernández, E.A. (2017). A benchmarking of workflows for detecting differential splicing and differential expression at isoform level in human RNA-seq studies. Briefings in bioinformatics. DOI:
The aim of our work was to contrast different workflows for differential isoform expression and differential splicing based on the most used tools. Our study is based on simulated RNA-seq datasets generated from real experiments.
The structure of this repository is as follows:
- bash_scripts: Directory containing the scripts used for processing RNA-seq data
- R_scripts: Directory having the R scripts used to perform differential expression analysis
- figures: Directory having figures related to simulated RNA-seq experiments
- R_scripts: Directory containing the code used to perform the comparative analysis
- figures: Directory containing comparison figures
- Scenario1: Directory containing the simulation profiles for the ten replications of scenario 1 where four replicates per condition and 5% of differentially expressed genes were considered.
- Scenario2: Directory containing the simulation profiles for the ten replications of scenario 2 where four replicates per condition and 10% of differentially expressed genes were considered.
- Scenario3: Directory containing the simulation profiles for the ten replications of scenario 3 where eight replicates per condition and 10% of differentially expressed genes were considered.
Each directory contain a README and a HOWTO file.
The fastq files corresponding to the human samples can be downloaded from
The normal samples used are:
- SRR057649
- SRR057650
- SRR057651
- SRR057652
- SRR057653
- SRR057655
- SRR057656
- SRR057657
The tumor samples used are:
- SRR057631
- SRR057633
- SRR057640
- SRR057643
- SRR057644
- SRR057645
- SRR057646
- SRR057648
The human reference files can be donloaded from:
Genome FASTA file,
Transcriptome FASTA file,
Annotation GTF file,
Installation of the following software is necessary:
SRA toolkit (
Samtools (
Cufflinks2 (
BedTools (
SplicingCompass (
Installation of the following R packages is required:
- DESeq2 (
- NOISeq (
- Limma(
- EBSeq (
- DEXSeq (
- BiocParallel (
- ggplot2 (
- gridExtra (
- cowplot (
- VennDiagram (
- FSA (
- reshape2 (