package iprange
is an extension to net/netip
An additional type IPRange is defined and the most useful methods for it. Not all IP address ranges in the wild are CIDRs, very often you have to deal with ranges not representable as a prefix. This library handels IP ranges and CIDRs transparently.
import ""
type IPRange struct{ ... }
func FromString(s string) (IPRange, error)
func FromAddrs(first, last netip.Addr) (IPRange, error)
func FromPrefix(p netip.Prefix) (IPRange, error)
func (r IPRange) Addrs() (first, last netip.Addr)
func (r IPRange) String() string
func (r IPRange) IsValid() bool
func Merge(in []IPRange) (out []IPRange)
func (r IPRange) Remove(in []IPRange) (out []IPRange)
func (r IPRange) Prefix() (prefix netip.Prefix, ok bool)
func (r IPRange) Prefixes() []netip.Prefix
func (r IPRange) PrefixesAppend(dst []netip.Prefix) []netip.Prefix
func (r IPRange) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
func (r IPRange) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)
func (r *IPRange) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
func (r *IPRange) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error
func Compare(a, b IPRange) (ll, rr, lr, rl int)
For fast lookups use the Compare
function together with the interval package from the same author.