Datepicker with Calendar
- User interface to select check-in and check-out dates. Clicking on the inputs will show a Calendar component with selectable cells. Built in React.js.
- Node 12 (Mac: via nvm or asdf-vm)
- PostgreSQL 12 (Mac: via homebrew)
Setup PostgreSQL:
% brew install postgresql
% brew services start postgresql
Populate with mock data:
- Rename config.example.js to config.js and update with your computer username (default username in homebrew postgres):
% id -un
- Enter the postgres shell:
% psql postgres
- Create the databases
in advance
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE vacationrentals;
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE test;
- Run seeding script:
% npm run seed
To run:
% git clone repo
% cd repo
% npm install
% npm run build && npm start