My personal dotfiles, heavily focused on neovim. Not guaranteed to work out-of-the-box, take only what you need.
╭─ wallpapers -> a lot of frieren
├─ flake.nix -> entry point, where the host is loaded
├─ hosts -> machines (only one called "nixos" which is my legion laptop with nvidia)
├─ modules/home-manager -> reusable home-manager modules
╰─ modules/nixos -> reusable nixos modules
╭─ distro -> nixos
├─ editor -> neovim
╰─ shell -> zsh
╭─ model -> LENOVO LNVNB161216
├─ CPU -> 13th Gen Intel i9-13900HX (8) @ 5.400GHz
├─ GPU -> NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
╰─ resolution -> 2560x1600@244hz
╭─ WM -> hyprland
├─ terminal -> kitty
├─ theme -> catppuccin-macchiato
╰─ icons -> papirus-dark
Changing the wallpaper |