Emojis are a simple and fast way to communicate something.
A commit must clearly explain the project's changes.
Why not combine these two?
Emoji | Commit | Code |
🎉 | Project beginning | tada |
✨ | New feature | sparkles |
🐛 | Bug fix | bug |
🔧 | Maintenance | wrench |
📑 | Documentation | bookmark_tabs |
⚙️ | Functionality | gear |
♻️ | Refactoring | recycle |
🎨 | Style | art |
🔍 | SEO | mag |
⚡️ | General update | zap |
🏷️ | Release | label |
🚀 | Deploy | rocket |
📦 | Package | package |
📁 | Directory structure | file_folder |
🔀 | Merge changes | twisted_rightwards_arrows |
⏪️ | Revert changes | rewind |
🚧 | Feature in progress | construction |
✅ | Finished feature | white_check_mark |
Problems in the code | warning | |
💩 | Temporary bad code | poop |
Emojis are not enough to explain a change, a great description must be part of the commit.
Have fun!
If you have any suggestions of improvements, submit a PR