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Welcome to the game of Connect Four. This game is played on a vertical board where the goal is to form a continuous line of four tokens of the same color.
- Start the Game: When the page opens, a startup modal appears with a "Start Game" button. Click this button to begin playing.
- Make a Move: Click on a column on the board to drop your token. The token will fall to the lowest available position in the chosen column.
- Change of Player: After each move, control automatically passes to the other player.
- Winning the Game: The first player to align four tokens vertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins the game.
- End of the Game: A modal appears to announce the winner and offers to restart the game via a "Restart" button.
- The game is interactive and is played entirely through the provided graphical interface.
- Interactions are made by mouse clicks on interactive elements such as the cells of the game board and the modal buttons.
- HTML/CSS for structure and style.
- JavaScript for game logic.
We hope you enjoy playing Connect Four. Have fun!