Repository for AutoIt Wrappers. These are wrappers for AutoIt 3 and above.
- Currently wrapped SDL2. Version of SDL2 is 2.0.16
- Wrapped Sigil 0.9.0
- Wrapped GLFW 3
- Wrapped SoLoud
These are a collection of wrappers for the AutoIt programming language. Note this uses version 3 of AutoIt. These are mainly a collection of wrappers for multimedia libraries such as SDL and GFLW.
#include <SDL2.au3>
Local $w = 640, $h = 480
Local $x = SDL_Init($SDL_INIT_VIDEO)
If $x = -1 Then
MsgBox(1,"Error","Could not init SDL!")
Local $win = SDL_CreateWindow("MyWin - Closes after 3 seconds",$SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,$SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,$w,$h,$SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN)
if $win = -1 Then
MsgBox(1,"Error","Could not make window")
#include <Sigil.au3>
Local $w = 640, $h = 480
Local $true = 1, $false = 0
slWindow($w,$h,"Sigil Window",$false)
While Not slShouldClose()
This software is provided as-is. There is no warranty for this software. You use this software at your own risk. You may not hold the developers of the wrapper, or the AutoIt community responsible for anything you do with this library. You may distribute creations developed with this wrapper as you please, royalty free. This software is provided in the event that it is helpful.