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react-native-webgl implements WebGL 1 in React Native.


npm i --save react-native-webgl
# OR
yarn add react-native-webgl

Configure your React Native Application

react-native link react-native-webgl

IMPORTANT: you must also manually do the following:

on iOS:

in your XCode project,

  • if it not there, add libRNWebGL.a in the Linked Libraries of your project target (and remove the potential libGPUImage.a if it not needed). There is a "bug" with react-native link.

on Android:

react-native-webgl is implemented with some C++ bricks and react-native link react-native-webgl is not enough to install and configure your project for Android:

  • android/ Make sure you have an up-to-date Android NDK (needed to compile the Native C++ code) and that it's properly configured in ANDROID_NDK env or in file (e.g. ndk.dir=/usr/local/share/android-ndk).
  • android/build.gradle: If it's not already there, add gradle-download-task buildscript dependency: classpath 'de.undercouch:gradle-download-task:3.1.2' . If you don't do this, you will likely have :downloadJSCHeaders not working.
  • android/app/build.gradle: Make sure you have minSdkVersion 17 or higher


Ths library exposes a WebGLView that implements WebGL in React Native.

Basic gist:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import { WebGLView } from "react-native-webgl";
class RedSquareWebGL extends Component {
  onContextCreate = (gl: WebGLRenderingContext) => {
    const rngl = gl.getExtension("RN");
    gl.clearColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
  render() {
    return (
        style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}

For a better example, see Image drawn through a Shader (vanilla WebGL). Then, feel free to use your preferred library, like , or (gl-react-native is backed by this implementation).

Difference with web's WebGL

"RN" Extension

The first noticeable difference is the addition of an extension, called "RN" that you can get with gl.getExtension("RN"). It returns an object with a few functions:

  • endFrame(): the mandatory call to get anything drawn on screen. It's the way to tell the current implementation everything is finished for the current frame. (we might later introduce better way)
  • loadTexture(config): It is a way to load a Texture with a configuration object. For the config object format see Section Texture Config Formats.This function returns a Promise of { texture, width, height } where texture is the actual WebGLTexture instance you can use in a gl.bindTexture and width and height is the texture dimension.
  • unloadTexture(texture): It is a way to unload a Texture with the texture object that was returned from a previous loadTexture call. This must be invoked when a texture is no longer required and when it can be removed, in order to avoid memory leaks. This is especially important when using your preferred library (such as three.js), as not only the objects created by your preferred library will need to be disposed, but the texture object itself needs to be unloaded. For an example of how to safely remove all references to textures, see this memory leak issue discussion.

Texture Config Formats

The texture formats are provided in an extensible and loosely-coupled way via adding more "Loaders" to the project. (as soon as they are linked, they will get discovered by RNWebGL via the RN bridge).

This library comes with one built-in loader: the Image Loader. More loaders can come via libraries like react-native-webgl-camera and react-native-webgl-video. Feel free to implement your own.

Image Loader

Format is { image } where image have the same format as React Native <Image source prop.

Shared config options

There are also config options shared (by convention) across the loaders:

  • yflip (boolean): allows to vertically flip the texture when you load it. You likely always want to set this to true. (default is false because it's an extra cost)

Remaining WebGL features to implement

The current early implementation miss a bunch of WebGL features, meaning that some gl methods won't work.

Here is the methods that are not supported yet:

  • framebufferRenderbuffer
  • getFramebufferAttachmentParameter
  • bindRenderbuffer
  • createRenderbuffer
  • deleteRenderbuffer
  • getRenderbufferParameter
  • renderbufferStorage
  • compressedTexImage2D
  • compressedTexSubImage2D
  • getTexParameter
  • texSubImage2D
  • getUniform
  • getVertexAttrib
  • getVertexAttribOffset

Here is the methods that are partially supported:

  • texImage2D : works with a few formats only (refer to current implementation). You might want to use rngl.loadTexture to load images/camera/videos/whatever textures.


This implementation is a standalone fork of Expo GLView (MIT License) available on and Huge kudos to Expo team and especially @nikki93 for implementing it.


Implements WebGL for react-native







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  • Objective-C 87.5%
  • C++ 5.1%
  • JavaScript 2.4%
  • C 2.4%
  • Java 1.5%
  • Objective-C++ 0.8%
  • Other 0.3%