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Wrap data object into reactive streams, with helpers like unwrap, get, set, unset etc.


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Wrap data object into reactive streams, with helpers like unwrap, get, set, unset etc.

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<script src=""></script>
    // wrapData is a global


First you need a stream helper function or library, which conforms to the fantasy land applicative specification, flyd is recommended.

- Convert existing data and use wrapped data

const flyd = require('flyd')
const wrapData = require('wrap-data')
const data = {
    firstName: 'Hello',
    lastName: 'World'
const model = wrapData(
// model, and everything inside model is a stream!

// manually access a data
model().firstName  // stream(Hello)
model().lastName  // stream(World)

model.set('address', {city: 'Mercury'})  // set model.address

model().address().city()  // get value: 'Mercury'
model().address().city('Mars')  // set value: 'Mars'

const city = model.get('')  //stream(Mars)
city()  // get value: 'Mars'
city('Earth')  // set value: 'Earth'

model.unwrap('address')  // {city: 'Earth'}
model.unset('address')   // unset model.address

model.unwrap() // {firstName: 'Hello', lastName: 'World'}

- Observe data changes

The root model has a change stream, you can get callback from every data changes.

// start observe model changes
const update ={value, type, path})=>{
    console.log('data mutated:', path, type, value.unwrap())

model.set('', 'Mars')
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] add Mars
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] change Earth
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] delete Earth

// stop observe model changes

- Define data relations

You can define data relations using combine, scan etc., and unwrap will unwrap them automatically, you can nest any level of streams.

const firstName = model.get('firstName')
const lastName = model.get('lastName')
const fullName = flyd.combine(
  (a, b) => a() + ' ' + b(),
  [firstName, lastName]
model.set('fullName', fullName)   // [console] Hello World
firstName('Green')          // [console] Green World

// {firstName:'Green', lastName:'World', fullName:'Green World', age:20}

- Use in React

const model = wrapData({user: {name: 'earth'}})

class App extends React.Component {
        const {model} = this.props
        this.update ={value, type, path})=>{
        this.onChange = e => {
            const {name, value} =
            model.set(name, value)
        const {model} = this.props
        const userName = model.unwrap('')
        return <div>
            <h3>Hello {userName}</h3>
            <input name='' value={userName} onChange={this.onChange} />

ReactDOM.render(<App model={model} />, app)

You can play with the demo here


- wrapData = require('wrap-data')

The lib expose a default wrapData function to use

- wrapFactory = wrapData(stream)

the wrapFactory is used to turn data into wrapped_data.

A wrapped_data is just a stream, with some helper methods added to it, like get, set etc.

return: function(data) -> wrapped_data

var flyd = require('flyd')
var wrapFactory = wrapData(

- root = wrapFactory(data: any)

the root is a wrapped_data, with all nested data wrapped.

return: wrapped_data for data

root.change is also a stream, you can map it to receive any data changes inside.

Any data inside root is a wrapped_data, and may be contained by {} or [] stream, keep the same structure as before.

Any wrapped_data have root and path propperties, get, set, ... helper functions.

var root = wrapFactory({x: {y: {z: 1}}})
root().x().y().z()  // 1{value, type, path})=>{ console.log(type, path) })

- wrapped_data.get(path: string|string[])

get nested wrapped data from path, path is array of string or dot(".") seperated string.

return: wrapped_data at path

var z = root.get('x.y.z')
// or
var z = root.get(['x','y','z'])
z() //2

- wrapped_data.slice(path: string|string[], filter?: ({value, type, path}):boolean, wrapper = root)

get nested wrapped data from path, and attach a change stream to it that filtered from (wrapper||root).change stream, the default filter is to test if the root.path starts with path.

return: wrapped_data, which have a .change stream

The wrapped_data.change stream's value has path property to reflect the sub path of the sliced data.

var xy = root.slice('x.y'){value, type, path})=>console.log(type, path))
xy.set('z', 1)
// x.y changed! ['z']

- wrapped_data.set(path?: string|string[], value?: any, descriptor?: object)

set nested wrapped data value from path, same rule as get method. The descriptor only applied when path not exists.

return: wrapped_data for value, at path

path can contain a.[3] alike string denote 3 is an array element of a.

value can be any data types, if path is omitted, set value into wrapped_data itself.

If value is a stream, then it's an atom data, which will not be wrapped inside.

descriptor is optional, same as 3rd argument of Object.defineProperty, this can e.g. create non-enumerable stream which will be hidden when unwrap.

If data not exist in path, all intermediate object will be created.

var z = root.set('x.a', 10)
z()  // 10

// same as: (only if x.a exits)

var z = root.set('x.c', [], {enumerable: false})  // c is non-enumerable
Object.keys( z.get('x')() )  // ['a']

root.unwrap()  // {x: {y: {z: 1}}, a: 10}  // `c` is hidden!

root.set(`arr.[0]`, 10)
root.get('arr.0')()  // 10

root.unwrap()  // {x: {y: {z: 1}}, a: 10, arr:[10]}  // `arr` is array!

- wrapped_data.getset(path?: string|string[], function(prevValue:wrappedData|any, empty?: boolean)->newValue, descriptor: object)

like set, but value is from a function, it let you set value based on previous value, the descriptor only applied when empty is true.

return: wrapped_data for newValue, at path

var z = root.getset('x.a', val=>val()+1)
z()  // 11

- wrapped_data.ensure(invalid?: (val:wrapped):boolean, path: string|string[], value?: any, descriptor?: object)

like set, but only set when the path not exists or invalid test true for the path, otherwise perform a get operation.

The invalid test more like a set then get when specified.

return: wrapped_data at path

var z = root.ensure('x.a', 5)
// x.a exists, so perform a get, `5` ignored
z()  // 11

var z = root.ensure('x.b', 5)
// x.b not exists, so perform a `set`
z()  // 5

// ensure `a.b` always >= 10
root.ensure(val=>val()<10, 'x.b', 10).unwrap() //10

- wrapped_data.unset(path: string|string[])

delete wrapped_data or value in path

return: deleted data been unwrapped

var z = root.unset('x.b')
z // 5

- wrapped_data.unwrap(path?: string|string[], config?: {json: true})

unwrap data and nested data while keep data structure, any level of wrapper on any data will be stripped.

If set config arg with {json: true}, then any circular referenced data will be set undefined, suitable for JSON.stringify.

return: unwrapped data

var z = root.unwrap()

z // {x: {y: {z: 11}}, a: [10]},   x.c is hidden

- wrapped_data.setMany(kvMap: object, descriptors?: object)

multiple set key and value from kvMap, and find descriptor from descriptors with the key.

return: object with same key, and each value is result of set()

root.unwrap() // {a:10, x:20, y:30}
root.unwrap() // {a:10, x: 1, y:2}

- wrapped_data.getMany(pathMap: object|string[]|string, mapFunc?:(val: IWrappedData|undefined)=>any)

multiple get each path from pathMap(can be array/object/string), and map each value with mapFunc as result.

return: result data with same shape as pathMap

root.unwrap() // {a:10, x:20, y:30}
root.getMany(['x', 'y'])  // [20, 30]

- wrapped_array.push(value: any)

push new value into wrapped data when it's array, all the inside will be wrapped.

return: newly pushed wrapped_data

var z = root.set('d', [])
z.push({v: 10})
z.get('d.0.v')()  // 10

- wrapped_array.pop()

pop and unwrap last element in wrapped array.

return: unwrapped data in last array element

var z = root.ensure('d', [])
z.get('d').pop()  // {v: 10}


Wrap data object into reactive streams, with helpers like unwrap, get, set, unset etc.







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