Replicate fun-stack infrastructure locally: AWS lambdas with a HTTP/WS Server, local cognito.
Example on how to use it:
- Fun Scala Template: example
Terraform module for the corresponding AWS infrastructure:
- Fun Terraform Module: terraform-aws-fun
SDK library to communicate with the infrastructure in your code:
- Fun SDK Scala: sdk-scala
npm install --global @fun-stack/fun-local-env
fun-local-env --help
Usage: fun-local-env <options>
--http [<port>]
--ws [<port>]
--auth [<port>]
--http-api <js-file-name> <export-name>
--http-rpc <js-file-name> <export-name>
--ws-rpc <js-file-name> <export-name>
--ws-event-authorizer <js-file-name> <export-name>
sbt ~cli/fastOptJS/webpack
node cli/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main/fun-local-env.js --ws 8080 --ws-rpc <path-to-js> handlerWebsocket
# or, with file watching:
echo cli/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main/fun-local-env.js | entr -cnr node --enable-source-maps cli/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main/fun-local-env.js --ws 8080 --ws-rpc <path-to-js> handlerWebsocket
cd npm
mkdir -p .git # trick npm into thinking this is a git root
npm version patch
git push
git push --tags
If you're using a node-version that's too new (>16.x), you might need to set this env-var if you get errors bundling the app.
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider