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Box is an HTTP router to speed up development. Box supports URL parameters, interceptors, magic handlers and introspection documentation.

Getting started

package main

import (

func main() {

    b := box.NewBox()

    b.HandleFunc("GET", "/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    b.ListenAndServe() // listening at http://localhost:8080


Sending JSON

b := box.NewBox()

type MyResponse struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

b.Handle("GET", "/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) MyResponse {
    return MyResponse{
        Name: "Fulanez",
        Age:  33,

URL parameters

b := box.NewBox()

b.Handle("GET", "/articles/{article-id}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) string {
    articleID := box.Param(r, "article-id")
    return "ArticleID is " + articleID

Receiving and sending JSON

type CreateArticleRequest struct {
    Title string
    Text  string

type Article struct {
    Id      string    `json:"id"`
    Title   string    `json:"title"`
    Text    string    `json:"text"`
    Created time.Time `json:"created"`

b := box.NewBox()
b.Handle("POST", "/articles", func(input CreateArticleRequest) Article {
    fmt.Println("Persist new article...", input)
    return Article{
        Id:      "my-new-id",
        Title:   input.Title,
        Text:    input.Text,
        Created: time.Unix(1674762079, 0),

Use interceptors

Interceptors, also known as middlewares, are pieces of code that are executed in order before the handler to provide common functionality:

  • Do things before and/or after the handler execution
  • Cut the execution and stop executing the rest of interceptors and handler
  • Inject items into the context
func ListArticles()   { /* ... */ }
func CreateArticles() { /* ... */ }
func GetArticle()     { /* ... */ }
func DeleteArticle()  { /* ... */ }

func main() {
    b := box.NewBox()

    b.Use(box.AccessLog)   // use middlewares to print logs
    b.Use(box.PrettyError) // use middlewares return pretty errors

    b.Handle("GET", "/articles", ListArticles)
    b.Handle("POST", "/articles", CreateArticles)
    b.Handle("GET", "/articles/{article-id}", GetArticle)
    b.Handle("DELETE", "/articles/{article-id}", DeleteArticle)

Error handling

b := box.NewBox()
b.Handle("GET", "/articles", func() (*Article, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("could not connect to the database")
go b.ListenAndServe()

resp, _ := http.Get(s.URL + "/articles")
io.Copy(os.Stdout, resp.Body) // could not connect to the database


Groups are a neat way to organize and compose big APIs and also to limit the scope of interceptors.

b := box.NewBox()

v0 := b.Group("/v0")
v0.Use(box.SetResponseHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"))

v0.Handle("GET", "/articles", ListArticles)
v0.Handle("POST", "/articles", CreateArticle)

Custom interceptors

Interceptors are very useful to reuse logic in a very convenient and modular way.

Here is a sample interceptor that does nothing:

func MyCustomInterceptor(next box.H) box.H {
	return func(ctx context.Context) {
        // do something before the handler
		next(ctx) // continue the flow
		// do something after the handler

The following interceptor returns a Server header:

func MyCustomInterceptor(next box.H) box.H {
	return func(ctx context.Context) {
		w := box.GetResponse(ctx)
		w.Header().Set("Server", "MyServer")
		next(ctx) // continue the flow

func main() {

	b := box.NewBox()


Parametrized interceptors

Sometimes interceptors can be generalized to cover a wider set of use cases. For example, the following interceptor can set any response header and can be used multiple times.

func SetResponseHeader(key, value string) box.I {
	return func(next box.H) box.H {
		return func(ctx context.Context) {
			box.GetResponse(ctx).Header().Set(key, value)

func main() {
    b := box.NewBox()
        box.SetResponseHeader("Server", "My server name"),
        box.SetResponseHeader("Version", "v3.2.1"),

Generate OpenAPI from your API

Leverage all the API information you have already defined with Box to generate your OpenAPI specification, including your types.

Just use the function boxopenapi.Spec and publish your spec:

func main() {
	b := box.NewBox()
	// ... define all your handlers

	spec := boxopenapi.Spec(b)
	spec.Info.Title = "My service"
	spec.Info.Version = "1.0"
	spec.Servers = []boxopenapi.Server{
			Url: "http://localhost:8080",

	b.Handle("GET", "/openapi.json", func() any {
		return spec