- Added TODO methods to integration tests
- Added public date formatting and parsing methods to the Echo message source
- Added new EchoMessageSource.getMessage() implementation to work around grails requirement for
<g:message error="...">
- Updated date formatting to handle
key as well asdefault.date.format
as required by g:formatDate tag.
- Added default date formatting to EchoMessageSource
- Added EchoMessageSource, which allows tests to use i18n codes instead of relying on any particular language
- Updated Selenium dependency version
- Added Bails to project
- Removed annoying output from Events script when running unit tests
- re-release of 0.9 with proper tagging
- reverted changes to metaClassModifiers detection as new implementation was broken
- Fixed integration test cleaning for H2 database
- Fixed database cleaning between integration tests
- Fixed MetaClassModifiers loading
- move between-test database cleansing for integration tests to this plugin
- move spec generation scripts to this plugin
- move injection of TODO method for specs into this plugin
- move junit report style stuff to this plugin
- move screenshot generation to this plugin
- move multi-browser gebspec to this plugin
- move test/quality dependencies to this plugin - geb, spock, selenium, code coverage, codenarc
- Create common root GebSpec