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Test Case - v3.0.0

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@luke-biel luke-biel released this 13 Feb 08:38
· 25 commits to master since this release


This crate provides the #[test_case] procedural macro attribute that generates multiple parametrized tests using one body with different input parameters.
A test is generated for each data set passed in the test_case attribute.
Under the hood, all test cases that share the same body are grouped into a mod, giving clear and readable test results.


  • Split out test-case-core crate, allowing easier reuse in external crates. By @evforde


Starting with the 3.0 release, we are changing test-case MSRV policy. We no longer can maintain our goal of only bumping MSRV with major SemVer releases partly due to how fast rust landscape changes and partly to how the rest of the rust ecosystem prefers instead not to keep MSRV breakage treated as SemVer breakage, making stricter policies hard to maintain with limited resources we have. The current goal is to support up to 3 of the latest stable releases.
We hope that with this change, we'll be able to speed up test-case's maintenance processes and add more features in the coming months.