#Gatepost: Bind to Models From SQL
Gatepost facilitates binding SQL statements to Model factories and instances, with the results cast as Model instance. With most ORMs have you model the database schema, but with Gatepost, you're not concerned with the database structure, only with what your queries return.
Gatepost uses VeryModel for Model factories and instances, giving you a lot of flexibility such as sharing your validation between your API and database, auto-converting values, etc.
Feel free to use knex, template strings, or other methods for generating your SQL. Gatepost is designed to stay out of your way.
'use strict';
const Gatepost = require('gatepost')('postgres://localhost/gatepost_test');
const SQL = require('sql-template-string'); //propery breaks out SQL template strings into a separate array to prevent SQL injection and errors
const Book = new Gatepost.Model({
title: {
validate: Joi.string()
id: {}
}, {
cache: true,
name: 'Book'
const knex = require('knex')({dialect: 'pg'});
//knex query builders are dealt with automatically
name: 'getByCategory',
sql: (args) => knex.select('id', 'title', 'author')
.from('books').where({category: args.category})
Book.getByCategory({category: 'cheese'}).then(results) {
results.forEach((book) => console.log(book.toJSON());
}).catch((err) => {
"use strict"
let SQL = require('sql-template-strings');
//sql-template-strings template tag returns a {text, values} object
//which gets turned into a prepare statement by gatepost
name: 'insert',
//using a template string
sql: (args, model) => SQL`INSERT INTO books
(title, author, category)
VALUES (${model.title}, ${model.author}, ${model.category})
instance: true,
oneResult: true
let book = Book.create({title: 'Ham and You', author: 'Nathan Fritz', category: 'ham'});
//using promises
.then((result) => console.log(`Book ID: ${book.id}`))
.catch((error) => console.log(`Gadzoons and error! ${error}`));
See VeryModel documentation for information on using gatepost.Model
##Model options:
: [string] used for naming the modelcache
: [boolean] to refer to the model by string
Generate a Factory or Instance method from SQL for your Model
: [object]
: [string] method namesql
: [function] returns the query object or string for pg.query or array of these.oneResult
: [boolean] only get one model intance or rejects with new gatepost.EmptyResultinstance
: [boolean] Add the method to model instances rather than the factory.model
: [Model or string] cast the results into this modelvalidate
: [Joi Schema] validate the args with this Joi SchemavalidateOps
: [object] Options passed to Joi.validate when validating argumentsvalidateModel
: [boolean] True by default, instanced methods will validate the model (second arg) before running query.
function (args);
: [object unless oneArg set] optional, the first argument passed to thesql
returns Promise
Calling a method generated from fromSQL
returns a Promise which will then
with the results
, catch
with a Postgres error from pg or gatepost.EmptyResult.
: [object] arguments passed as the first optionmodel
: [Model] for instances, the model instance that the function is called to
let knex = require('knex')({dialect: 'pg'});
//knex query builders are dealt with automatically
name: 'getByCategory',
sql: (args) => knex.select('id', 'title', 'author')
.from('books').where({category: args.category})
Book.getByCategory({category: 'cheese'}).then(results) {
results.forEach((book) => console.log(book.toJSON());
}).catch((err) => {
let SQL = require('sql-template-strings');
//sql-template-strings template tag returns a {text, values} object
//which gets turned into a prepare statement by gatepost
name: 'insert',
//using a template string
sql: (args, model) => SQL`INSERT INTO books
(title, author, category)
VALUES (${model.title}, ${model.author}, ${model.category})
instance: true,
oneResult: true
let book = Book.create({title: 'Ham and You', author: 'Nathan Fritz', category: 'ham'});
//using promises
.then((result) => console.log(`Book ID: ${book.id}`))
.catch((error) => console.log(`Gadzoons and error! ${error}`));
Configure the pg
postgres client with gatepost to use for queries. Accepts anything valid in the first parameter of pg.connect.
Either create a database called testdb or cp config/default.json config/local.json
and update the uri.
Then run npm test
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Nathanael C. Fritz
See LICENSE for the full text.