Set of several tools used by all or most projects at Friends fo Go
A fast and cool port scanner.
╰─ portscan
A fast and cool port scanner built with love by Friends of Go.
Complete documentation is available at
portscan [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
range Does a range port scan (i.e. 0-1024)
single Does a single port scan (i.e. 8080)
-f, --file string results file (stdin by default)
--fmt string results format, allowed: plain, json, yaml (default "plain")
-h, --help help for portscan
Use "portscan [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Scan a single localhost TCP port:
╰─ portscan single tcp 80
Protocol: tcp Port: 80 State: closed
Scan a range of localhost UDP ports:
╰─ portscan single tcp 80 90
Protocol: udp Port: 81 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 90 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 89 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 83 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 84 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 80 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 85 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 86 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 82 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 87 State: closed
Protocol: udp Port: 88 State: closed
Dump range scan results into a JSON file:
╰─ portscan range tcp 80 83 -f out.json --fmt json
Results file:
"protocol": "tcp",
"port": 80,
"state": "closed"
}, {
"protocol": "tcp",
"port": 83,
"state": "closed"
}, {
"protocol": "tcp",
"port": 81,
"state": "closed"
}, {
"protocol": "tcp",
"port": 82,
"state": "closed"
- Set up GoReleaser for binaries generation.
- Add unitary & integration coverage.
- Use only the root command for the
tool. - Use other scan techniques for the