FileGeodatabase (GDB) is a very efficient file format for storing GIS Data.
This package provide a java library wrapper and ESRI FileGeodatabaseAPI (1.4) embedding to a simple use on java.
This project bring a fast READ / WRITE of simple featureclasses for Java environment.
More informations on the FileGeodatabase API, supported plateform, can be found
Using this library, you MUST agree to the ESRI (inc), FileGeodatabase License conditions :
Additional FileGeodatabase API usage conditions are explained here :
This library has been compiled and tested on some Windows X64/x86, Linux x64. Extensive plateform tests could be done by the community.
Binaries are included for the windows plateform, for ease of use. Compilation on other plateforms are one command line far.
Binaries are also included in the jar file for moderns x64 Linux. Due to OS dependencies loading (dlopen primitive), see this note before running the jar.
Gradle :
Declare the repository
repositories {
maven { url ""}
And dependency in the project :
compile group: 'org.jfgdb', name: 'jfgdb', version:'0.1.4'
Maven :
#How To Build the jar and native wrappers
git clone
gradlew build -x test distZip
the result is in build/distributions
See the samples folder for usage