As it was suggested on issue #28 (and as recommended by vim's documentation), all mappings were changed to use <localleader>
instead of <leader>
. If you don't have maplocalleader
set on your environment then yours is probably \
. For more information on that regard, please take a look at :h <Localleader>
A new feature was added to highlight dates in overdue tasks as an Error (as suggested on issue #44). It depends on a Python library, however, and as such will only be able to work if your version of Vim was compiled with the +python
option (as most common versions do).
If your Vim installation does not have Python support, this plugin will work just fine but this feature will be disabled.
git clone git://
cd todo.txt-vim
cp -R * ~/.vim
Also make sure your .vimrc contains
syntax on
filetype plugin on
You can set the <localleader>
in your .vimrc file with
let maplocalleader="<yourKey>"
This plugin gives syntax highlighting to todo.txt files. It also defines a few mappings, to help with editing these files:
Sorting tasks:
Sort the file
Sort the file on +Projects
Sort the file on @Contexts
Sort the file on dates
Sort the file on due dates
Edit priority:
Decrease the priority of the current line
Increase the priority of the current line
Add the priority (A) to the current line
Add the priority (B) to the current line
Add the priority (C) to the current line
Set current task's creation date to the current date
(Insert mode) Insert the current date
Mark as done:
Mark current task as done
Mark all tasks as done
Move completed tasks to done.txt
This plugin detects any text file with the name todo.txt or done.txt with an optional prefix that ends in a period (e.g. second.todo.txt, example.done.txt).
If you want the help installed, run ":helptags ~/.vim/doc" inside vim after having copied the files.
Then you will be able to get the commands help with: :h todo.txt