Prototype of game mechanic in which the player can be cloned, choosing to increase an attribute in the clone and decreasing that attribute in the original copy.
The idea for a game around this mechanic is a puzzle platformer where all clones must reach the end of the level for the player to succeed. Puzzles would necessitate using the cloning mechanic to reach a new area of the level with that clone, and finding a way to help the other copies to the finish line (for example increasing the jump attribute to reach a switch that produces stairs). The cloned abilities would also stack, so more advanced puzzles would rely on increasing the correct attribute on the correct clone (e.g. a puzzle would require a clone with both speed and jump).
- Move left: ← or A
- Move right: → or D
- Jump: ↑ or W
- Clone player: C
- Switch controls between clones: R
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