The script can build .deb packages for a "clean" Python installation on Debian & Ubuntu machines with the usual required build environment already installed. The generated packages produce an installation that is independent of the "system" Python, without any 3rd-party libraries installed.
This allows creation of application packages built on top of Python without picking up libraries installed for other purposes on the system. Library versions can be managed entirely by applications, and version conflicts across applications are not an issue.
Build a .deb package by downloading the Python sources (use the .xz compressed tarball) in the sources directory, then run:
$ ./ 3.6.5
replacing 3.6.5 with the version number for the Python you want to build.
The resulting Python installation will be located in /opt/cleanpython36 (again, replacing 36 with the major/minor versions from the version you specified on the command line).