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Swift helper for CoreBluetooth that makes instantiating dangerous types safer and easier


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CBSafeKit is a lightweight helper package, to help Swift programmers safely instantiate various CoreBluetooth objects.


  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. API Reference
  6. CoreBluetooth Undocumentation
  7. Contributing
  8. License


Instantiating some CoreBluetooth objects can cause your program to raise NSInternalInconsistencyExceptions, which cannot be handled in a Swift do-catch. Unfortunately, there is very limited documentation for what is/isn't valid input for these types. As such, you might be tempted to write a lot of code, attempting to validate inputs that might be valid.

This package solves that problem, by using Objective-C to bridge dangerous instantiations into safe Swift interfaces. Using this library, you are free to attempt all the invalid instantiations you like, and can easily handle the results in a "Swift" way.

Getting Started

Swift Package Manager (SPM)

Add this repository as a SPM project/package dependency in Xcode:


After importing the package, you can use one of the helpers to safely create an optional. Use guard-let or if-let to safely unwrap the optional.

Example usage of getting a concrete CBUUID safely:

import CoreBluetooth
import CBSafeKit

func doSomething() {
    let input = "Invalid"

    guard let cbuuid: CBUUID = SafeCBUUID(string: input) else {
        print("Unable to create CBUUID with: \(input)")

    print("Safe to proceed")

API Reference

SafeCBUUID(string: String)

  • Safe alternative to CBUUID(string: String)
  • Returns CBUUID?
  • Does not throw

SafeCBMutableService(type: CBUUID, primary: Bool)

  • Safe alternative to CBMutableService(type: CBUUID, primary: Bool)
  • Returns CBMutableService?
  • Does not throw

CoreBluetooth Undocumentation

"undocumentation" = important notes not officially documented by Apple

The following inputs will cause this method to throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException:

  • If string length is 4 or 8:
    • It is not entirely hexadecimal (case insensitive)
  • Or, if string length is 36:
    • It does not contain dashes at indices: 8, 13, 18, and 23 (i.e. UUID format)
    • All other characters are not hexadecimal (case insensitive)
  • Else, the error will be thrown

The following inputs will cause this method to throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException:

  • A valid CBUUID with a data.length that is not 2 or 16
    • Specifically, a valid CBUUID with a byte-length of 4 (8 hex characters) will cause this constructor to throw the error
      • e.g. CBUUID(string: "ABCD1234")

You might notice this package provides a safe constructor for CBMutableService, but not for CBMutableCharacteristic. Interestingly, this is not necessary: while a valid CBUUID with a byte-length of 4 (8 hex characters) is not a valid parameter for CBMutableService, it is a valid parameter for CBMutableCharacteristic!


This package is simple, but contributer-friendly. I don't have a template or style guide right now, so if you would like to contribute, reach out.


Keep the scope of this package limited to CoreBluetooth "safety" helpers.


If you can add to or refine any of the documentation, please open a PR with an update and unit test.



Swift helper for CoreBluetooth that makes instantiating dangerous types safer and easier





