Displays the positions of the sun, moon, and planets in the sky at a given location, on your terminal.
cpan MakeMaker
perl Makefile.PL
perl -0777 -MCPAN -MCPAN::Meta::YAML \
-e 'map {CPAN::Shell->install($_)} keys %{Load(<>)->{requires}}' \
make install
orrery -15.75 -69.42 3812
# LATITUDE and LONGITUDE can be decimal degrees or (-)DD:MM:SS
orrery 48:04 12:51
# ALTITUDE defaults to meters, or you can specify a unit
orrery 40:02:15 -76:06:19 436ft
The horizontal axis is the planets' azimuth (cardinal direction of the viewer), from 0° to 360° (i.e., facing due south) in the northern hemisphere and from -180° to 180° (i.e., facing due north) in the southern hemisphere. The vertical axis is the elevation (height in the sky), with the horizon at the center.
Planets are displayed as planetary symbols if your environment is Unicode-aware, or else as single-letter abbreviations.
: go back/forward in timen
: go back to the present timej
: highlight next/previous planetc
: clear highlight?
: helpq
: quit
: Sun☿
: Mercury♀
: Venus☽
: Moon (Luna)♂
: Mars♃
: Jupiter♄
: Saturn♅
: Uranus♆
: Neptune